Office Profile


Paris Office

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Provided by Franklin

Number of partners: 25

Number of other lawyers: 80

Firm Overview:

Franklin represents an independent alternative to the major global law firms in France. Clients benefit from all of the advantages this team’s total flexibility can offer: the firm provides top flight teams in all of the key areas of commerce. Franklin combines intimate French market knowledge with global standard legal skills. Partners are present throughout the life of each matter and offer outstanding levels of responsiveness and service. The team provides a unique French law capability with an Anglophone service delivery to meet the needs of clients on their cross-border mandates.

Main Areas of Practice:

  • Arbitration: The team advises clients on the full gamut of domestic and international arbitration, in ad hoc or institutional proceedings, over contractual or treaty claims. Contact: CĂ©line Greenberg
  • Banking & Finance: A multi-faceted team with an excellent reputation in real estate, acquisition and energy financings.Contact: StĂ©phan Alamowitch
  • Corporate/M&A: One of the leading independent teams in the Paris market, experienced in all aspects of French and cross border corporate/M&A. Contacts: Yam Atallah, Alexandre Marque, Lionel Lesur
  • Competition: The firm’s ability to advise on the full range of French competition/antitrust matters is of significant benefit to clients. Contact: Lionel Lesur
  • Compliance: As legal risk management has become a critical area of focus for corporations, Franklin assists clients in developing and implementing multidisciplinary compliance programs tailored to their needs. Contact: Michel Sapin
  • Data & Cyber: The team is involved in all aspects of data, digital and cyber security. Contact: Merav Griguer
  • Energy: This team advises to the highest levels across all of the key areas of most relevance to energy sector clients. Contact: JĂ©rĂ´me Michel, Cendrine DelivrĂ©
  • Intellectual Property: The team offers a full range of transactional and litigation services in intellectual property law with extensive expertise in all matters pertaining to creation, innovation, media and technology. Contact: Sandra Strittmatter
  • Labour & Employment: This team has a top tier client base and advises at the highest levels on a broad spread of highly complex French and global labour law matters. Contacts: Myriam de Gaudusson, Patrick ThiĂ©bart
  • Litigation, Arbitration & White-Collar: The go-to capability in France on highly sensitive, high stakes disputes between shareholders, directors’ liability cases and white-collar cases in addition to numerous commercial matters. Contact: Yann Colin
  • Patrimonial Asset taxation: The team works with a wide range of French and international clients, including family offices, families and individuals, in particular private shareholders and executives, on all their strategic wealth tax issues. Contact: Jacques Messeca
  • Private Equity: An exceptional team with a reputation for creativity and all-hours responsiveness on the full range of private equity transactions. Contacts: Yam Atallah, Alexandre Marque, Lionel Lesur
  • Public & Administrative Law: The firm’s public law team has a unique practice bringing together real strength in both public law and regulatory issues. Contact: JĂ©rĂ´me Michel, Cendrine DelivrĂ©
  • Real Estate: The team’s extensive knowledge of the French real estate sector enables it to guide clients through all aspects of their dealings in France. Contacts: François Verdot, Philippe Bouillon, JĂ©rĂ©my Chiche, JĂ©rĂ©my Goldblum, GĂ©raldine Machinet, Philippe Riglet
  • Regulatory & Compliance / Banking – Investment Services – Insurance: Franklin provides advice and representation on the full array of licensing and compliance issues. The team assists French and international financial institutions and insurance companies in their regulatory compliance efforts in connection with their domestic or cross-border operations, from impact assessment to operational rollout. Contact: Serge Durox
  • Restructuring, Corporate Recovery , Distressed M&A: A safe pair of hands in an increasingly important area of business for clients in the French market. Contacts: Numa Rengot, Laura Bavoux, Arnaud PĂ©dron
  • Tax: A headline tax capability with market leading advice on corporate taxation, private client and real estate matters. Contact: Jacques Mestoudjian

International Work: Representing clients on major cross-border matters is a core part of the firm’s business. Franklin has an unwavering policy to stay independent from all formal global networks. This means the firm freely selects only the best lawyers on a case by case basis on behalf of its clients. Franklin lawyers regularly lead multijurisdictional teams for clients investing in or outside of France.

Clients: The firm advises public and private entities in practically every economic sector.


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France - Head office
26 Avenue Klebér, Paris, Paris, France, 75116


Email: [email protected]

Tel: +33 1 45 02 79 00

Fax: +33 1 45 02 79 01