Maikowski & Ninnemann is a highly specialized patent attorney firm with offices in Berlin, Leipzig, Munich and Frankfurt with a decades-long tradition in IP law. Founded in 1977, Maikowski & Ninnemann now has 18 German and European patent attorneys – among them eight partners – covering the various fields of technology, from physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology to medical technology, chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology.
The firm’s clients are regional medium-sized firms, as well as large global companies and small start-ups. While having strong expertise in patent prosecution as its traditional core area of business, in recent years Maikowski & Ninnemann has also become well known for its expertise in patent litigation and has successfully taken part in some of the major patent disputes recently fought in Germany.
Due to their specialization in intellectual property, the patent attorneys of Maikowski & Ninnemann have strong expertise in all areas of IP protection. They deal with clients’ projects and concerns relating to industrial property rights and develop strategic plans for the best protection of inventions, trademarks and designs, as well as the enforcement and utilization of clients’ rights.
Taking personal care of clients’ interests lies at the center of the firm’s strategic thinking and operation. Whether your company is large or small, you will find a personal counsel at Maikowski & Ninnemann. There is a strong belief within the firm that a trusting relationship between client and attorney is fundamental to achieving the best solutions for protecting and enforcing clients’ IP rights.
Maikowski & Ninnemann is a ‘pure’ patent attorney firm. This has considerable advantages: In cases that require representation by attorneys at law (e.g., patent infringement cases), Maikowski & Ninnemann teams up with specialized external attorneys at law with specific expertise for the case at hand.
Maikowski & Ninnemann’s clients include many large national and international firms, as well as medium-sized and start-up companies. In the ongoing patent wars in the telecommunications and IT sectors, Maikowski & Ninnemann represents, among others, leading mobile phone manufacturers and leading telecommunications and IT services providers. Concerning prosecution, Maikowski & Ninnemann represents various international technology companies, as well as a renowned German biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of pioneering therapeutics for common degenerative disorders and various manufacturers of vehicle systems.
Working languages include German, English and French.
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