Office Profile

Nasser Advogados

São Paulo - SP Office

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Provided by Nasser Advogados


Tel : +55 11.3854.9100

Chairman: Rabih Nasser

Managing Partners: Anderson Stefani

Managing Comite: Rabih Nasser, Sergio Zahr Filho and Anderson Stefani

Number of Partners: 8

Number of Lawyers: 17

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Arabic

Our firm was founded in January 2008 with the commitment to provide legal services with excellence, agility and transparency.

Our practice covers various areas of law, which we organize around four major axes: Corporate Law, Dispute Resolution, Public Law, International Law.

We treat our clients' cases and problems as if they were our own and employ all our knowledge and talents, and our solid legal expertise in order to find the best solutions.

That's why we are always close to our clients and attentive to their interests: identifying their needs in order to achieve the best results.

We combine in a unique way legal expertise with an attentive eye for the client's needs in all areas besides Law.

Over these years we have assisted national and foreign companies of the most varied sizes and sectors, acting with excellence and solving cases of different degrees of complexity.

We are constantly seeking personal growth and improvement for our professionals. We value the combination of individual talents with the best teamwork synergy.

Our firm has a modern and agile structure, and we invest in cutting-edge technologies to face the new challenges.

All this has allowed us to build continuous, transparent, trustful, and successful relationships with our clients and partners, resulting in constant and repeated success.

These markers make us proud and are part of our identity. Our successful track record allows us to say that we are on the right path.

  • Environmental Law
  • International Trade
  • International
  • Competition Law
  • Business Law
  • Real State
  • Public, Regulatory and infrastructure law
  • Dispute resolution
  • Tax and customs

Av. Angélica, 2510 - 3º andar Higienópolis - São Paulo, SP - Brazil

+55 11.3854.9100

[email protected]

Partners: 1

Lawyers: 2

Within our Environmental Law practice we provide multidisciplinary support to clients in order for them to meet legal requirements and comply with environmental standards, with the planning of precautionary programs for companies of all sectors and sizes, and we represent clients in administrative and judicial proceedings. Our services include both the prevention and the correction of non-conformities, aiming at complying with the environmental legislation, and representing our clients before the competent authorities.

Consulting: Legal chapters of environmental studies, due diligence and environmental consultancy for the purchase and sale of properties, management of contaminated areas;

Litigation: Administrative defenses in relation to environmental fines, negotiation and monitoring of commitments with environmental agencies and the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Regulatory: Licenses, authorizations and permits from public bodies and environmental licensing.

Partners: 3

Lawyers: 2

Our firm has an outstanding performance in international trade, constantly being recognized by several publications as one of the main firms nationally. Our practice can be divided into the following areas:

Trade Remedies: Representing Brazilian and foreign companies in investigations for the application of antidumping duties, safeguards and countervailing measures.

International Contracts: Advisory and consultancy services in the negotiation and execution of contracts involving international trade of goods and services and related instruments (e.g. NDAs, MoU, Term Sheets, Financial and Real warranties, Termination/Dissolution Agreements).

International Negotiations: Monitoring of the commercial and investment agreements entered into or negotiated by Brazil, in order to identify and recommend the best strategies for our clients.

Customs Issues: Support in issues related to import and export operations, including administrative and judicial measures in matters of customs classifications, tariff alterations, import licensing, export control, and others.

Trade Remedies

Our firm has already acted in more than 40 trade remedies investigations in Brazil and abroad. We highlight below some countries and industries of clients represented by our firm and recent cases.

Partners: 2

Lawyers: 1

  • Supporting clients in the analysis of international treaties and regulations that may have an impact on their business and drafting opinions on international law matters;
  • Monitoring the negotiation of international treaties and conventions in areas relevant to our clients;
  • Working with governments to defend clients' interests in international negotiations;
  • Monitoring and conducting projects and processes (administrative and judicial) of interest to clients in other countries, in partnership with local offices.


Lawyers: 2

Acting in administrative proceedings before the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), including representing clients in economic concentration acts and in procedures for investigating conducts that may constitute violations to the economic order.

Preventive action, through guidance regarding the obligation to report mergers to CADE and regarding conducts that may constitute violations to the economic order;

Analysis of antitrust issues as part of due diligence processes in operations involving mergers, acquisitions and business partnerships;

Joint work with other law firms on antitrust matters involving different jurisdictions.

Partners: 4

Lawyers: 7

Our experience in Business Law is segmented into four major subareas:

Mergers, acquisitions and structured operations: we advise on the purchase and sale of companies, corporate restructuring, and subjects related to consortiums, associations, joint ventures, and other forms of business partnerships, such as:

  • Planning, structuring, negotiating and implementing the purchase and sale of shareholdings or assets, investments, partnerships or joint ventures, as well as corporate restructuring;
  • Conducting due diligence procedures;
  • Preparation, review and negotiation of contractual instruments, especially sale and purchase agreements and shareholders' agreements;
  • Support for the clients regarding the steps to be taken after closing the deal; and
  • Communication to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) of economic concentration acts.

Foreign Investments and Capital Markets: we advise national and foreign clients on setting up companies and/or funds, and issuing trading securities, with a focus on debt restructuring and structured financing. Our main activities include:

  • Consultancy for issuing and trading securities;
  • Preparation of contracts and corporate documents for debt restructuring and structured financing;
  • Assisting companies, financial institutions and funds in complying with regulatory standards;
  • Consultancy on regulatory aspects of investment funds; and
  • Structuring and registering investment funds in Brazil and assisting investors in new investments or financing cycles.

Agreements: we work on the negotiation and conclusion of business agreements, including trade of goods and services and other types of economic cooperation, and on the preparation and negotiation of national and international agreements:

  • Agreements for the purchase and sale and supply of goods;
  • Distribution agreements, agency agreements and other forms of business cooperation;
  • Ancillary agreements in commercial and business relations, such as guarantee, exclusivity and confidentiality agreements;
  • General consultancy and service agreements; and
  • Joint venture and partnership agreements.

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics: We provide guidance on the necessary corporate acts for the establishment and management of companies, creation, adaptation, and development of compliance programs, data protection, and codes of conduct. We also assist in the following activities:

  • Enhancement of corporate governance norms and practices;
  • Support in corporate disputes, whether in judicial or arbitral proceedings, as well as in business mediations;
  • Preparation of corporate documents, investment contracts, put/call options, and other agreements to regulate corporate relationships; and
  • Review, drafting, and implementation of compliance programs, data protection, best practices, and internal controls.

Partners: 2

Lawyers: 3

Our acting includes real estate deals, such as the purchase and sale of properties, leasing and structured transactions. On this front, our work includes:

  • Document analysis and risk evaluation in real estate transactions;
  • Drafting and reviews of contracts and other documents required to complete the deal;
  • Advice on the constitution and release of real estate guarantees;
  • Drafting, review, and management of lease contracts, including shopping mall leases;
  • Assistance on the negotiation of lease renewals;
  • Judicial litigation.

Partners: 2

Lawyers: 2

Our firm has significant expertise in advisory and litigation cases in Public Law, including Administrative Law, Regulatory Law, and Infrastructure. We provide specialized and strategic assistance in a wide range of topics, including public tenders, administrative contracts, defense in sanctioning procedures before the Administration, monitoring of civil investigations before Public Prosecutors' Offices, representations before the Federal and State Audit Courts, regulation of economic sectors, advising clients in their relationship with public authorities and regulatory agencies, expression of interest procedures, as well as concessions, privatizations, and public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects, and chapters in legal audits (due diligence).


Consultancy, defense, and legal opinions on Administrative Law topics.

Public tenders and administrative contracts:

  • Assistance with public consultations and public hearings;
  • Analysis of requests for proposals and drafts of contracts and strategic advice for participation in bidding processes, objections to requests of proposals and administrative appeals;
  • Representations and complaints about irregularities before the Courts of Accounts;
  • Advice on unenforceable or waived bidding procedures;
  • Consulting on administrative contracts, drafting economic and financial rebalancing claims, contract extensions and resolutions of impasses in contractual relations with public entities;
  • Defense in proceedings involving administrative sanctions (warning, fine, suspension and impediment to participating in bidding processes and declaration of unsuitability).


  • Consultancy on laws and normative acts involving the regulation of the economic sectors of defense (arms and ammunition), mining, transport, highways, ports, oil and gas, electricity and solar energy, basic sanitation, solid waste, chemicals, graphic products, health services, medical and hospital products and information technology;
  • Legal advice on applications for permits and administrative licenses, preparation of legal opinions;
  • Advice to clients on the compliance with applicable rules;
  • Advice on procedures before regulatory agencies and monitoring of legislative changes and communications to client.


  • Structuring and advising on public-private partnerships (PPP), privatizations, permits and concession contracts;
  • Assistance in procedures for expression of interest and public calls;
  • Advising on infrastructure projects in the transport, highway, railroad, port, airport, construction, oil and gas, electricity generation, solar energy, water and sanitation and solid waste sectors;
  • Advice on international investments in Brazil.

Partners: 3

Lawyers: 6

The firm has a long and outstanding activity in business dispute resolution including a variety of matters and sectors.

Litigation: The firm practices in civil and corporate litigation. The firm's litigation practice is broad and diverse, covering the simplest issues in companies' daily activities, such as consumer claims, to more complex issues such as corporate disputes, construction contracts, commercial contracts and public civil actions. The firm also acts in judicial reorganization and bankruptcy proceedings, as well as in actions and measures for the recovery of large credits.

Arbitration: The firm acts in national and international arbitrations before the main Arbitration Chambers. We also act in homologations of foreign arbitral awards before the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ).

Cases related to international contracts, corporate disputes, construction/engineering, mergers and acquisitions are noteworthy among the recent arbitrations in which the firm participated.

Partners: 1

Lawyers: 2

We also work in the tax area, providing consultancy on direct and indirect taxes, especially:

  • Clarification of legislative changes and analysis of impacts and tax improvements associated with the client's business;
  • Supporting and attending inspections, presenting and explaining the necessary clarifications to the authorities involved; and
  • Practice in Tax Litigation, representing clients in administrative and judicial proceedings that discuss the enforceability and collection of taxes.

Tax Law

In the tax consultancy area, the firm advises clients on the taxes levied on their business, provides clarification on legislative changes and advises them on tax issues associated with their business. The firm also acts in response to tax inspections, presenting and explaining the necessary clarifications. In the tax litigation area, the firm represents clients in administrative and judicial proceedings that discuss the enforceability and collection of taxes


Customs Law

The firm assists and advises clients on the legal aspects of import and export procedures, including compliance with inspections during and after customs clearance. In litigation, the firm acts in administative and judicial proceedings dealing with customs issues.


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Brazil - Head office
Av. Angélica , 2510 3 andar Higienópolis , São Paulo - SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Email: [email protected]

Tel: +55 11 38549100