Office Profile

Santroni Parsons

Santo Domingo Office

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Latin America
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Provided by Santroni Parsons
Managing Partner: Romina Santroni
Number of partners: 1
Number of other lawyers: 3
Of counsels: 5 (environmental consultant on health and safety, sanitary engineer, maritime biologist, economist)
Languages:Spanish, English and German

Firm Overview:
Since 2010, the team of SANTRONI PARSONS has specialised in enabling legally and environmentally investment projects, while putting sustainability at the core of every industry.

SANTRONI PARSONS offers progressive solutions to businesses facing complex environmental, land use, urbanistic and touristic challenges. The firm has become a real project manager in every project under development, in addition to its role of corporate environmental counsel.

The firm’s approach to deal with environmental issues can be summarised as follows: prevention of problems, environmental awarness, pragmatism, technical knowledge, through its multidisciplinary support team and registered consultants, with a deep understanding and knowledge of the business of its clients in sectors such as tourism, resort development, hotels, wind power projects, waste, food and beverage, real estate among others.

Main Areas of Practice:

Environment & Sustainable Development:
Sustainable development has become an imperative objective for every economic sector. The team of lawyers, environmental advisers and specialised consultants offer pragmatic solutions to the most complex business challenges.

Tourism & Hospitality:
The firm creates the best strategy for the successful development of tourism and real estate projects in the Dominican Republic. From permits and feasibility studies to the approval of tax exemptions within the framework of Law No. 158-01 – Promotion of Tourism Development.

Planning and land use law, as well as urbanism, have become essential in order to facilitate the development of the land with a particular purpose: appropriate land use as a tool for achieving a private sector client’s development.

Energy & Natural Resources:
The team focus in facilitating the wind power projects and energy generation based on biomass and waste.

Construction & Real Estate:
Real Estate development in cities as well as in rural and touristic zones, requires a comprehensive approach to assure compliance with the regulations and sustainability.

The business of food and agriculture grows at the rate of population growths. The challenges of this sector are also increasing at the same speed.

International Work:
More than 55% of the firm’s clients are foreign investors, developing projects in different sectors of the Dominican economy. Its clients come from Spain, El Salvador, USA, Canada, Mexico, Greece among others.

Special note deserves one of the most relevant and known tourist projects in the Dominican Republic, the 2000 hotel rooms in 18 storey building in Punta Cana, that represents an investment of US$600,000.00. This project will be the first hotel with a vertical development within the costal area in Punta Cana and was possible thanks to a vision that includes diversification of the different types of tourist lodging within the country, that includes actual protection of the environment by respecting the existing land use and including mangroves to the landscape of the project.

Mexicans developer — one of the main hotel companies in Mexico — will build and operate such facility under the name of Moon Palace Punta Cana.

Environment & Sustainability: 45%
Tourism & Hospitality: 35%
Urbanism: 8%
Energy & Natural Resources: 10%
Agribusiness: 2%
Real Estate & Construction: Included in tourism and real estate

Environment & Sustainability:
Romina Santroni
Email: [email protected]
Tourism & Hospitality: Romina Santroni
Email: [email protected]
Guily Shemer Email: [email protected]
Urbanism, Real Estate & Construction: Romina Santroni
Email: [email protected]
Guily Shemer
Email: [email protected]
Energy & Natural Resources: Romina Santroni
Email: [email protected]
Agribusiness: Romina Santroni
Email: [email protected]


Moon Palace

Playa Grande


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Dominican Republic - Head office
Ave 27 de febrero, No. 495, Torre Fórum, 5to piso, Suites 5B, El Millón, Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic


Tel: +1 809 338 4200