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CHINA: An Introduction to TMT: Technology & Telecommunications (PRC Firms)

Legal and Market Developments in China’s TMT Sectors:


Introduction: In 2023, China was recognised as home to the second-most valuable fintech industry with a combined USD338.92 billion in total market capitalisation. Chinese tech firms released AI models to compete with ChatGPT and doubled down on developing homegrown tech in the face of US sanctions, and the Chinese government took steps to promote innovation and the economy. Against this background, the following important legal developments occurred:


Standard Essential Patents: The “Provisions Prohibiting the Abuse of IPR to Eliminate or Restrict Competition” took effect on 1st August 2023. These provisions will affect markets where SEP access is an entry requirement. An exposure draft of the “Anti-Monopoly Guide for the Field of Standard Essential Patents” was issued on 30th June 2023 and may provide insights into regulators' views.


Generative AI: The Chinese government aims to promote the healthy development and regulated application of generative AI ("GAI") technology (ie, things like ChatGPT) in line with Chinese laws and regulations. The “Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services”, which in their final form were less strict than in their exposure draft, were promulgated to realise this goal. National standards for GAI are also being developed.


Cross-border Data Transfer: Enterprises in TMT sectors often need to make cross-border data transfers. Regarding personal information, China has issued regulations restricting such transfers and requiring enterprises to pass a government security assessment, obtain certification of personal information protection, or undertake certain contractual obligations before exporting personal information.


IT outsourcing rules in the financial sector: Financial institutions need to adapt to some new regulatory requirements issued by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CBIRC") concerning their IT outsourcing activities. This, in turn, has increased the risks and challenges that IT vendors face and requires them to take a more sophisticated approach to contracting with financial institutions and set up compliance frameworks with a view to helping their customers demonstrate compliance. On 4th April 2023, the CBIRC announced that data governance in non-bank financial institutions will be a focal point of their work in 2023.


Digital China Initiative: The Chinese government has invested resources into the Digital China Initiative, which aims to improve the country's digital infrastructure, digital economy, digital public services and digital technology innovation. The goal is to make significant progress in these areas by 2025 and become a world leader by 2035. Guidance funds have been established to support the development of the Digital China Initiative and will invest in strategic and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, indigenous chip manufacturing and development, IoT, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, edge computing and other areas. In 2023, the Chinese government invested USD2 billion in Changxin Xinqiao and USD1.78 billion in Yangtze Memory Technologies.


Gaming: The Chinese gaming industry is expected to be worth over USD80 billion in 2023 and to expand at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 8.45% until 2027. With over half a billion gamers, China is the world's biggest gaming market and home to a large talent pool of skilled and well-known developers. China is also home to a large and increasingly professionalised eSports community. In 2022, the National Press and Publication Administration ("NPPA"), the game industry regulator, granted 468 domestic and 44 foreign game approvals. By comparison, from January to October 2023, the NPPA granted 786 domestic and 58 foreign game approvals, a slight increase. Distribution channels are also tightening up their game launch rules. For instance, Apple China's removal of games lacking NPPA approval is expanding from Free-to-Play games with In-App Purchases to hyper-casual games with In-App Advertisements and will further impact developers' monetisation options. Moreover, some of China's Android channels require independent legal opinions for the launch of games within specific game genres. Given the significant regulation and censorship of the industry, due diligence is essential for investors.


Ethical reviews: From 1st December 2023, entities (companies, universities, etc.) involved in some types of scientific or technology activities must follow the “Measures for the Review of Science and Technology Ethics”, which mandate the creation of ethical review committees, ethical reviews, and, for sensitive activities, government reviews.


National Data Administration (NDA): This new administration will be responsible for data-related institutions, data resource usage and driving the Digital China initiative, the digital economy and a digital society. The NDRC, an economic regulator, administers the NDA.


Hangzhou Data Exchange: Government officials unveiled a new data exchange. The National Laboratory of Blockchain and Data Security director reportedly said that the exchange uses blockchain, privacy computing and other technologies to realise trusted sharing and effective use of data.


Data Assets: In August 2023, the Ministry of Finance issued the “Interim Accounting Treatment Regulations for Enterprise Data Resources”, which are set to take effect on 1st January 2024. The regulations allow companies to categorise data meeting specified criteria as an "asset" in the balance sheet. This move is poised to foster the development of the data asset market. Currently, some data products have already completed the registration and recognition of data assets.

数据资产:2023年8月,财政部发布了《企业数据资源相关会计处理暂行规定》,将于2024年1月1日生效。该规定允许企业将符合特定标准的数据确认为资产负债表中 “资产” 一项,这有望促进数据资产市场的发展。目前,一些数据产品已完成数据资产的登记和确认。

Intelligent Connected Vehicle Pilot: In order to promote the popularisation of intelligent connected vehicles and improve product performance and safety, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and three other departments are selecting eligible connected vehicle companies to carry out entry pilot programs, allowing their intelligent connected vehicles to operate and test within designated areas. Various regions are also gradually increasing the sections of open road testing and application for intelligent connected vehicles.


Cyber Violence: Guiding opinions were released to clarify that if, for hype-creation or clout-chasing, a network service provider refuses to fulfil its information network security management obligations against cyber violence, it will be penalised for the offence of failing to fulfil information network security management obligations. Stricter penalties may apply in situations involving aggravating factors, including the use of deepfake technology, crimes targeting children, etc.


Cybersecurity Review: In 2023, China has intensified its scrutiny of cybersecurity. Prominent companies such as China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Micron have undergone cybersecurity reviews. China has conducted reviews targeting supply chain security for critical information infrastructure and cybersecurity associated with products sold within the country for the first time.


RISC-V: There is growing support for open-source RISC-V chips in China. This support is partly due to political tensions with the US, government policies to achieve semiconductor self-reliance, and a desire to avoid trade sanctions. During the 2023 RISC-V Summit China, RISC-V was reportedly hailed for its openness, freedom, cooperation and the opportunities that it will create for the global supply chain and global development.


Batteries: China is a leader in battery technologies, and the Chinese battery industry is expected to continue growing in 2023. This growth is partly due to the development of new salt-based battery technologies, China's access to lithium and other factors. We believe this industry will continue to grow as China and the world focus on reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and increasing their use of renewable energy. Battery companies based in China can benefit from a skilled local workforce, tax incentives and a massive consumer market.


The growth of XaaS: XaaS (anything as a service) is beginning to expand beyond the now more traditional SaaS, IaaS and PaaS business models used by technology companies. This expansion is linked to advancements in cloud computing, AI and data connectivity. It will likely accelerate as vendors seek more stable recurring income streams and buyers seek to reduce their capital investments.
