
Provided by Alma LED

Alma LED's Banking & Financial Regulation team is able to assist on a wide range of activities related to banking law, investment services, and more generally markets and financial activities, with specific focus on payment services and e-money issues. 

The team has developed a specific focus on entrepreneurial sectors characterised by a high level of specialisation which has not been fully explored yet in the Italian market, such as with reference to PSD2, open banking platforms, innovative mobile-payment solutions, insure-tech projects, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending activities, use off remote customer onboarding solutions. The team has also gained a strong and deep knowledge on outsourcing agreements covering all the core-activities of payment and financial institutions, in compliance with the EBA regulations. 

In the Fintech market, we are regarded by clients as a top tier law firm also thanks to the ability to structure innovative and valued added services and products.

Ranked Individuals at
Alma LED

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FinTech Legal

Marco Zechini
Marco Zechini
Head of FinTech Legal
Band 1
Luca Benvenuto
Luca Benvenuto
Band 2


Provided by Alma LED

Marco Zechini

Marco Zechini

Head of Department

Rachel Benvenuto

Sergio Visalli


Provided by Alma LED

AcomeA SGR S.p.A. (Italy)

AdmiralPay S.r.l. (Italy)

American Express Italia S.r.l. (Italy)

Axepta S.p.A. (Italy)

Banca Profilo S.p.A. (Italy)

Banca Valsabbina S.C.p.A. (Italy)

Bancomat S.p.A.

Borsa del Credito (Italy)

Cityposte Payment S.p.A. (Italy)

Edenred Italia S.p.A. (Italy)

Fabrick S.p.A. (Italy)

Fairfield S.r.l. (Italy)

Hype S.p.A. (Italy)

IConto S.r.l. (Italy)

Integrae SIM

Iren Mercato S.p.A. (Italy)

Mooney S.p.A. (Italy)


Paytipper S.p.A. (Italy)

Postepay S.p.A. (Italy)

Prestiamoci S.p.A. (Italy)

Santander SICAV (Spain)

Satispay S.A. (Luxembourg)

Smartika S.p.A.

TeamSystem Capital At Work SGR S.p.a. (Italy)

TeamSystem Payments S.r.l. (Italy)

Telepass pay

Tinaba S.p.A. (Italy)

Vertis SGR S.p.A. (Italy)

Worldline SA



Provided by Alma LED

Banking Law



Financial Regulation

Investment Services

Payment Services