
Provided by Bird & Bird

Our Employment team is made up of lawyers who are experts in labor law & who have also developed a cross-disciplinary approach to the economic & legal issues of the sectors in which our clients operate.

Bird & Bird's Employment Team works closely with the firm's other departments, assists & advises national & international companies, as well as public authorities, on the full range of employment law issues. We regularly lead several large-scale reorganisations & represented our clients in high-stake litigation cases. We assist mainly international groups with a presence in France, on HR transformation projects, cross-border matters, complex employment litigation & matters around work ethics (harassment investigations, working time & burn-out claims, etc.).

Our leitmotiv? To be "facilitators"

The firm has developed a business partner approach. Distinguished by our pragmatic advice & efficiency in execution, in close partnership with in house legal and HR, as well as operational teams, the team is well known for proactive support on all employment issues relating to local & international corporate & commercial transactions, in particular M&A, business transfers, LBO & VC transactions.

Thanks to our distinctive sectoral approach, we have specific industry sector expertise in all areas of activity, including the life sciences, tech & comms & digital economy sectors, and have developed cutting-edge knowledge of these markets & their specific HR issues.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Employment - France

Band 4

What the Team is Known For

Bird & Bird is a well-established firm offering expertise in company reorganisations, employee litigation and social plans. Additionally well versed in collective and individual terminations, the practice boasts a strong client base hailing from the technology sector. The team is experienced in consultations with works councils.

À propos de l’équipe

Bird & Bird est un cabinet bien établi qui offre une expertise en matière de réorganisations d’entreprises, de contentieux sociaux et de plans sociaux. De plus, le cabinet a une réputation établie dans les licenciements collectifs et individuels, le cabinet dispose d’une clientèle issue du secteur de la technologie. L’équipe est expérimentée dans les consultations avec les comités d’entreprise.

Work Highlights

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  • Bird & Bird advised Infosys on outsourcing projects and employee transfers.

  • Bird & Bird a conseillé Infosys sur des projets d’externalisation et des transferts d’employés.


Provided by Chambers

Notable Practitioners

Provided by Chambers

Benjamine Fiedler
Benjamine Fiedler
Head of Employment
Band 4

Benjamine Fiedler maintains a wide-ranging employment practice, spanning litigation, reorganisations, negotiations with trade unions and outsourcing projects.

Benjamine Fiedler is not only very competent, but also responsive and available and has a broad strategic vision.

Benjamine has a situational intelligence that allows her to skilfully juggle between the constraints and opportunities arising from legislation and case law, which she masters perfectly.

Benjamine Fiedler exerce une vaste pratique en droit du travail, allant du contentieux aux réorganisations, en passant par les négociations avec les syndicats et les projets d’externalisation.

Elle possède une intelligence qui lui permet de jongler habilement entre les contraintes et les opportunités découlant de la législation et de la jurisprudence, qu’elle maîtrise parfaitement.

Benjamine Fiedler est non seulement très compétente, mais aussi réactive et disponible et dispose d’une vision stratégique.

Ranked Lawyers at
Bird & Bird

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Benjamine Fiedler
Benjamine Fiedler
Head of Employment
Band 4


Provided by Bird & Bird

Benjamine Fiedler

Benjamine Fiedler

Head of Department

Chris Ivey

Nathalie Devernay


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