Chambers Review

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Commercial Dispute Resolution - London (Bar)

Band 1

What the Team is Known For

Fountain Court houses talented commercial litigators at all levels of seniority. Its barristers are regulars in the most high-value and eye-catching cases of the day, routinely appearing in the Commercial Court, Financial List and Chancery Division. Although best known for their skill in banking and finance cases, they undertake a truly broad sweep of work and have involvement in major matters across the commercial spectrum. Recent examples of significant cases handled include: Athena Capital & Others v Secretariat of State of Holy See, a conspiracy and corruption claim arising out of the sale of prime London real estate; Moon & Others v Link Fund Solutions, a group action arising out of the suspension and liquidation of a fund; and the Russian Aircraft insurance claims. Commentators state: “The barristers at Fountain Court can handle the most complex disputes with great skill.” Another source remarks: “Fountain Court has excellent depth and breadth across both senior and junior counsel.”

Alex Taylor is the Senior Clerk.


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Notable Practitioners

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Bankim Thanki
Bankim Thanki
Star Individuals

There are nothing but superlatives to say about him. An extraordinary advocate, who is very impressive at every level – he's absolutely masterful.

Bankim is a very shrewd adviser, who always cuts straight to the point and is not afraid to give clear recommendations, which is much appreciated by clients.

Bankim is an absolute superstar but in a very understated way. He is just brilliantly effective.

Bankim is one of the star players at the Commercial Bar. He is incredibly clever, outstandingly hard-working and always superbly well-prepared.

Bankim is wholly trusted by clients and provides authoritative strategic advice. He leads the counsel team effectively and provides an excellent level of service.

Alex Barden
Alex Barden
Band 1

Alex Barden is one of the best juniors I have worked with. He is brilliant and amazing to work with.

He is a real superstar and will end up as a Court of Appeal or Supreme Court judge. He out-thinks a lot of the judges and is very measured in his advice.

Alex combines high intelligence with charm, and is so easy to get on with.

Anneliese Day
Anneliese Day
Band 1

She is a very talented submissions advocate and cross-examiner.

Anneliese is excellent technically and on her feet. She is alive to the client's concerns and commercial considerations whilst also being a very good black letter lawyer.

Anneliese Day is user-friendly and very good at identifying what is going to matter in a case. Her grasp of strategy is exceptional.

David Railton
Band 1

He is super friendly to work with and very thoughtful, and really gets into the details.

David is a phenomenon. He has a natural authority that flows from his rare blend of brilliance, decency and total mastery of his subject.

Patrick Goodall
Patrick Goodall
Band 1

Patrick is excellent; he's very clear thinking, highly logical and someone who gains the trust of the court.

The best of the best. Paddy has everything you'd want in a silk – he would always be my first choice for any new matter.

Patrick is completely brilliant. He's hugely responsive and all over the detail in a way that adds tremendous value in complex disputes. He gives you complete confidence that all bases are covered.

Paddy is incredibly industrious and does his own heavy lifting. He gets fully across the case and really gets stuck into the bundle.

Paddy is extremely responsive and great to work with. He thinks very clearly from a strategic perspective and adds a lot of value.

Richard Handyside KC
Band 1

Richard is one of the most affable and talented commercial barristers in London; he's genuinely delightful to work with, and also has razor-sharp commercial judgement.

Richard is a spectacularly clever, calm and persuasive advocate. He knows when to get firm with the court and he does everything with charm.

Richard is the first choice advocate for large, complex and challenging disputes. He has great tactical judgement and is a fantastic advocate.

Richard is remarkably bright and to the point. He is succinct in his advice and very accessible.

Stuart Ritchie
Band 1

Stuart is an absolute leader of the Commercial Bar at the senior end. He rolls his sleeves up, is incredibly approachable and is someone whose advocacy is phenomenal.

Stuart is phenomenal. He has a huge brain and intellect, and presents things in a very precise way in court.

Stuart is a phenomenal silk, who gets to grips with complex issues astonishingly quickly. He is an elite advocate and a great team player, who is brilliant on strategy and just an excellent leader.

Andrew Mitchell KC
Band 2

He has everything – he's hard working, he has a brilliant mind and he's very genial.

A fantastic advocate, who is excellent with clients – you want him on your side.

Andrew is a very strong advocate, who has excellent strategic judgement.

He is such a tremendous advocate on his feet.

Ben Valentin
Ben Valentin
Band 2

Ben has excellent drafting skills, is very polite and reads the room very well. He tailors how he works very well depending on the case and the client.

Ben is able to assimilate all of the details and see the big picture in such a calm way to put the client at ease in tricky situations, and he is very responsive.

Ben is down to earth and commercially minded.

Ben has fantastic cross-examination techniques, is very approachable and is easy to work with – he really listens to the wider team.

Derrick Dale
Band 2

Derrick is very persuasive in front of judges. He's excellent at leading a team and making sure you have the right juniors and the right strategy.

Derrick is a charming advocate. He makes a silk's purse out of a sow's ear, and is a super tactician. I love the way he weaves together a strategy.

Derrick is an opponent you don't want to see as he's that good. He is strategic, measured and trusted by the court.

Nico Leslie
Nico Leslie
Band 2

He is very commercial and always available.

Nico is very good on the big cases, particularly those with an international element involving the Middle East.

Nico is an extremely well-respected and high-performing junior.

Nico is a rising star, who is an incredibly industrious and effective advocate.

Nico is absolutely exceptional – a future KC in the making.

Patricia Robertson KC
Band 2

Ferociously bright and outstanding.

Super-intelligent, she thinks quickly when on her feet and cuts through complex issues, quickly digesting them in user-friendly ways.

Patricia has great knowledge of the law, is super strategic and is happy getting into the weeds of a case.

She gets extraordinary results and is the hardest working silk I've ever come across.

Richard Lissack
Richard Lissack
Band 2

Richard is a powerful advocate, who is always very well prepared for court. He stands his ground before the court when confronted with tough questions.

Richard has excellent judgement and knows how to handle clients.

Richard has the broadest practice of any first-rate barrister at the Bar. He is also a superb oral advocate in every forum.

Rupert Allen
Rupert Allen
Band 2

He is a very bright and appealing advocate, whom judges listen to.

Rupert is extremely bright and user-friendly. He is commercial in his approach to complex legal issues.

He is very good at handling large swathes of documents and big teams.

Rupert is a leading junior and a KC in the making. He readily provides sound and strategic advice, and also proves a capable advocate.

Charles Béar KC
Band 3

Charles has a great mind and displays a good manner with clients.

He is effortless and very impressive in terms of both his submissions and cross-examination.

David Murray
Band 3

David is hugely supportive when working on large-scale, high-value cases.

His written work is always very clear and very concise.

Ian Bergson
Ian Bergson
Band 3

Ian is really hard-working, super-creative and someone who thinks up new angles of approach to matters. He is a real up-and-coming star.

Both affable and exceptionally clever, he understands his client's commercial needs as a result of his background at a magic circle law firm.

Ian is a really hard-working individual who puts in every mile to succeed in a case.

Ian is absolutely excellent; he's smart, kind and talented.

Jeffrey Chapman
Jeffrey Chapman
Band 3

Jeff is picking up absolutely top-quality work, which he always handles with great persuasive elegance.

Jeffrey is superb. He sees through problems and works through them in helpful ways.

Jeffrey is just the perfect advocate. He is the person you need in a situation where a calm head is required.

Natasha Bennett
Natasha Bennett
Band 3

Thoughtful, diligent and someone who is a rising talent.

Natasha is very responsive and good to work with. Her written work is excellent.

Richard Coleman KC
Band 3

Richard is a very compelling advocate, who is thoughtful and intelligent. He has a very understated presentation, which courts respond very well to, and he puts clients at their ease.

Richard is very forensic in his approach and a persuasive advocate.

Rosalind Phelps KC
Rosalind Phelps KC
Band 3

Her advocacy is really good and her judgement is phenomenal in terms of what will land with the judge.

Rosalind is highly sensible and really excellent. She is both academic and commercial in her approach.

Ros is absolutely outstanding. She has a really likeable style that is clear and businesslike. Clients warm to her straight, no-nonsense advice.

Rosalind gives very thoughtful and clear advice, and is clearly all over the law. When it comes to the law of privilege, talking with Rosalind is like speaking to an encyclopaedia.

Tamara Oppenheimer
Tamara Oppenheimer
Band 3

Tamara is really brilliant. She is so clever, and so quick and devastating in her advocacy.

Tamara has a fantastic legal mind and is all over the detail.

Tamara is exceptionally clever. She reaches a view and gives it clearly, providing no-hesitation, fully formed, practical advice on commercial cases.

Tamara is very tenacious in her submissions. She has a clear vision of how documents should be structured and how the case should be conveyed in a positive light.

Timothy Howe
Band 3

He combines an extraordinary grasp of the detail of a heavy commercial matter with an impressive degree of energy and persuasiveness when it comes to presenting the case in court.

His written advocacy is really exceptional and he is great at divining simplicity from complexity.

Adam Sher
Adam Sher
Band 4

On top of the law and very detailed in his thinking, he is a very robust advocate.

Adam is a phenomenal barrister, who is a great cross-examiner. He is technically brilliant and commercially savvy, and is loved by clients for his enthusiasm and dedication to his cases.

Adam is one of the brightest, but is also very easy to work with and sensible.

Adam is very responsive, incredibly sharp, and a lawyer who provides clear and helpful comments and advice.

Alexandra Whelan
Band 4

Alexandra is a real superstar to watch. She is very commercial, turns work around very quickly and is very easy to work with; she is a real all-rounder.

Alexandra is absolutely brilliant. She is very quick and her paperwork is brilliant.

She is incredibly bright, very modest and someone who produces brilliant written arguments.

Alexandra is one of the future superstars of the Commercial Bar. She has it all: a massive intellect, gumption, charisma and boat-loads of drive.

Ben Lynch
Ben Lynch
Band 4

Ben is a superbly bright individual with technical knowledge and commercial awareness, who stands out amongst his peers. He always delivers his advice in a way appropriate to the particular client.

Ben has an excellent way with clients. Universally liked and respected, he is very knowledgeable and technically competent, much more so than his years at the Bar would suggest.

He is phenomenally bright and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of case law and statutory instruments.

Ben is excellent and really very good at pitching cases in a way that judges will find attractive. He is also a great team player.

Christopher Langley
Christopher Langley
Band 4

Chris is extremely persuasive and has good judgement. He has an ability to cut through to the key points in a case.

Christopher has good judgement on the law and is an excellent advocate.

Really down to earth and user-friendly, he is responsive, commercial and a pleasure to work with.

John Taylor KC
John Taylor KC
Band 4

He is highly intelligent and he very quickly absorbs complex sector-specific factual information in a dispute to find the most creative and commercial solution to a problem.

John is a skilful and very robust advocate.

Laura John
Band 4

Laura is very switched-on and very good in court. She has lots of the traits that you'd expect of a leading silk.

Laura is razor-sharp and a joy to work with. She provides clients with relevant and focused advice.

Nik Yeo
Nik Yeo
Band 4

Nik is extremely client-friendly, and shows great attention to detail. He has the ability to cut through large quantities of complex information with ease.

Philip Ahlquist
Band 4

Philip is an immensely impressive draftsman, who is highly focused, effective and easy to work with.

He is intelligent and always asks the right questions before coming up with solutions.

Richard Power
Band 4

Richard is very proactive, super-friendly, very bright and down to earth – he is really nice to work with.

Stephen Moriarty KC
Band 4

Working with Stephen is a pleasure. He is brilliant and enthusiastic, and possesses a unique perspective that sets him apart from others.

Stephen Rubin KC
Stephen Rubin KC
Band 4

He has gravitas, persuasion and a good sense of humour.

Stephen has fantastic instinct for litigation. The way he navigates quite complex issues and strategic points with great clarity is very impressive.

Daniel Edmonds
Daniel Edmonds
Band 5

Top-notch written advocacy; he is extremely persuasive.

Daniel is a real team player who thinks carefully about issues.

Daniel is one of the most user-friendly and personable juniors at the Bar. He is willing to roll up his sleeves and get involved in all aspects.

James Cutress
James Cutress
Band 5

James digests complex information easily and advises on seemingly impenetrable issues.

James is sharp-witted, quick on his feet and always very well prepared.

Paul Casey
Band 5

Paul is extremely forensic as a lawyer. He displays huge attention to detail, makes himself available and is all over the issues in a case.

Paul is very intelligent and a great advocate both orally and in writing. He's very much a team player.

Paul identifies the heart of the issue straight away and provides excellent advocacy. He has a persuasive way of making submissions.

Adam Zellick KC
Band 6

Adam is a great tactician, whose advocacy style is understated – he doesn't rely on excessive drama. He very straightforwardly gets to the point.

Adam Zellick KC is thoughtful, poised and a pleasure to work with on complex commercial litigation. He is also very client-friendly.

Alexander Milner
Alexander Milner
Band 6

A phenomenal barrister, who is incredibly sharp-witted.

He's able to give reasoned legal counsel to people who feel very strongly. He whittles down the information and the evidence, and then furnishes advice that people appreciate and understand.

Edward Levey KC
Band 6

A tenacious fighter who does his utmost for the client’s cause. Not afraid to give strong opinions, he really gets into the detail of the documents and knows the case inside out.

Max Evans
Band 6

What stands out is his legal analysis. He is very strong at drafting legal submissions specifically, and is very pleasant to deal with.

Commercially minded, great on strategy and all over the detail in a case. He is also knowledgeable, friendly and approachable.

Max is a very calm advocate, who wins the trust of the judge very quickly. He's very concise, he gets to the point and he sticks to his guns.

Michael McLaren KC
Michael McLaren KC
Band 6

Michael is one of those KCs who is very happy to get stuck in at an early stage. You have his attention the whole way through, which really sets him apart from many of his contemporaries.

Paul Sinclair KC
Band 6

He is a very clever individual.

Paul is very responsive and a key part of the counsel team, who provides tailored client service.

Paul is highly commercial and has a laid-back style that belies the level of detail he applies to his cases and the superb intellect he brings to them.

Unfailingly polite, always brilliant at what he does and incredibly robust, his is a laconic style which clicks with commercial court judges.

Simon Atrill
Simon Atrill
Band 6

Simon is a fantastic, compelling advocate who delivers submissions with authority and comes across as a voice of reason in the courtroom.

He is so on top of the detail and rigorous – you really learn a lot from being led by him.

He drafts beautifully and has strong strategic sense when running cases.

Samuel Rabinowitz
Samuel Rabinowitz
Up and Coming

Sam is brilliant and absolutely phenomenal. He is really clear in his advocacy and has done a lot of work on promoting diversity at the Bar.

Sam is extremely hard-working and a very good drafter.

Very thoughtful and hardworking, he shows great attention to detail and leaves no stone unturned.

Sam is a brilliant junior, who has the brainpower to match barristers who are senior to him.

James Duffy
James Duffy
New Silks

James exudes calmness and makes difficult problems sound easy.

James is one to watch; he provides advice of the highest quality and is a real team player. Extremely intelligent, he's a fantastic advocate with great judgement.

James is a superb barrister. He's extremely insightful and a pleasure to work with. His written advocacy is very to the point and highly impressive.

Ranked Barristers at
Fountain Court Chambers

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Filter by

Silks (KC)

London (Bar)

Commercial Dispute Resolution

Bankim Thanki KC
Bankim Thanki KC
Star Individuals
Anneliese Day KC
Anneliese Day KC
Band 1
David Railton KC
Band 1
Patrick Goodall KC
Patrick Goodall KC
Band 1
Richard Handyside KC
Band 1
Stuart Ritchie KC
Band 1
Andrew Mitchell KC
Band 2
Ben Valentin KC
Ben Valentin KC
Band 2
Derrick Dale KC
Band 2
Patricia Robertson KC
Band 2
Richard Lissack KC
Richard Lissack KC
Band 2
Charles Béar KC
Band 3
Jeffrey Chapman KC
Jeffrey Chapman KC
Band 3
Richard Coleman KC
Band 3
Rosalind Phelps KC
Rosalind Phelps KC
Band 3
Tamara Oppenheimer KC
Tamara Oppenheimer KC
Band 3
Timothy Howe KC
Band 3
Ben Lynch KC
Ben Lynch KC
Band 4
John Taylor KC
John Taylor KC
Band 4
Laura John KC
Band 4
20 of 46 results