Provided by Hugh Jones Solicitors
A nationally recognised leader in Court of Protection (COP) work, we support vulnerable people with a mental incapacity and their families. We are asked to advise and train Local Authorities and other professionals including 30 law firms, providing expert evidence on mental capacity and deputyship issues.
Our standing is also based on the wide range of work we undertake including difficult/complex COP disputes (including Judicial Review) and financial abuse investigations.
Our reputation, confirmed by client feedback, is for a caring and expert approach, our national practice being serviced from a Manchester base, with clients located throughout the country.
Uniquely, we provide a full suite of bespoke services for COP clients, including:
· Employment/ HR for care teams (we directly employ 250 carers in 60 teams for clients), including for Professional deputies who lack this expertise at their own firms;
· Welfare benefits management
· Trusts and wills for families with a disabled family member.
We work within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act, to ensure that Clients who lack capacity are empowered to make as many decisions for themselves as possible and that any decision made on their behalf is in their best interests.