Practice Areas
Hugh Jones is a nationally recognised leader in his field of Court of Protection and Private Client work. He has worked in this field for over 30 years and his expertise as a Court of Protection Deputy is such that he now has a very substantial expert witness practice, where he is regularly asked to provide advice and statements on all aspects of Court of Protection practice, costs and mental capacity issues specialist PI and Clinical Negligence firms.
Client testimonials:
‘I have known Hugh Jones for many years, first working with him just when I was starting my career as a Court of Protection specialist. As well as being an excellent lawyer, Hugh has always been focused on the client and genuinely cares about outcomes. He is also able to build an excellent rapport with clients, leading to long standing relationships that he carries through to this day.’
‘Hugh Jones is a leader in his field – a great jovial personality with a wealth of knowledge and expertise which he shares with all of his personnel.’
‘We have been involved with this firm for over 30 years and Hugh Jones has been nothing less than outstanding. The team supporting him have picked up the baton and have been of the highest quality.’
In September 2019, Hugh was awarded the prestigious lifetime achievement award by the judges of the STEP Private Client awards.
Hugh was named Manchester Law Society's Partner of the year in 2014.
Hugh is a member of the panel of Deputies appointed by the Court of Protection to manage the affairs of someone who has lost capacity. Hugh assists many special interest groups for children with learning disabilities and many local and national charities. He provides help including a large number of Wills for parents of learning disabled children.
Hugh is a nationally recognised expert and eminent speaker on all aspects of provisions for the learning disabled, mental incapacity and the Court of Protection. He is a member of:
• Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
• Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE)
• Office of the Public Guardian’s panel of Deputies