Provided by Morgan & Morgan
Recent relevant experience includes among others:
Advising, for more than 20 years, Minera Panama, S.A. in connection with the US$6.7 Billion open-pit copper mining project Cobre Panamá, the biggest private sector investment in Panama history.
Advising Metro de Panama, S.A. in connection with Line 1, 2 and 3 of the Metro of Panama.
Advising Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Rail STS; and Mitsubishi Corporation on their negotiation of an Agreement with Metro de Panamá, S.A., in connection to their participation as Nominated Subcontractor in the Metro of Panama Line 3 Project.
Advising International Finance Corporation on the development and bidding of a project for the engineering design, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance of the US$500 million fourth transmission line in the Republic of Panama.
Advising, for more than 20 years, Panama Ports Company, S.A. (member of Hutchinson Ports Holdings), currently developing and operating the Port of Balboa and the Port of Cristobal on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the Republic of Panama.
Advising AES Changuinola, S.A. and AES Panamá, S.A. (affiliates of The AES Corporation) in ongoing regulatory, commercial, environmental, financial and corporate matters related to the development and construction of the Changuinola I Project, a 223 MW run of the river hydroelectric plant developed in the province of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama, and one of the most important private investments in the country.