
Provided by Wanhuida Intellectual Property

Wanhuida is a trailblazer with the mix of legal expertise and result-oriented practical approach.

In 2024, it has quite a few cases that are recognised by Chinese courts as innovative or exemplary, including:

SPC’s Top 10 IP Cases in 2023: Representing Xiaomi in winning the unfair competition suit against the infringers that pre-emptively registered its voice activation command prompt, brazenly sent cease and desist letter to Xiaomi and sold infringing products. The court found unfair competition, ordered cessation and awarded Xiaomi damages of RMB 1.2 million. 


SPC’s 50 Exemplary IP Cases of 2023: Representing Michelin in winning the civil suit against Shanghai Mi Zhi Lian Catering Management Ltd. et al., which used the Chinese transliteration of the Cantonese pronunciation of Michelin in business operation and as registered trade name. The Wuhan Intermediate Court and the Hubei High Court affirmed trademark infringement and unfair competition, ordered cessation and awarded damages of RMB 10 million.

Top 10 QBPC IP Protection Cases of 2023 - 2024: Representing New Balance in obtaining a permanent court injunction and landmark damages of RMB 30.04 million (inclusive of reasonable costs) in the second instance of a trademark infringement and unfair competition suit against the infringers using a slavish copycat of the client’s iconic slanting “N” logo and its Chinese trade name, which has acquired certain influence.

Chambers Review

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Intellectual Property: Litigation (PRC Firms) - China

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Wanhuida Intellectual Property houses a strong bench of practitioners who act on a diverse range of litigation and non-litigation matters. The team is active before various IP courts across China, and is especially impressive at handling patent and trade mark issues for a range of large foreign corporations from the technology, retail, pharmaceuticals and entertainment industries. It also represents domestic entities in enforcement and infringement matters. The firm is highlighted for its anti-counterfeiting work.



Work Highlights

Provided by Wanhuida Intellectual Property

  • Wanhuida Intellectual Property represented Kuai Shou in invalidating a copycat trade mark registered by a biotechnology company through the invalidation procedure and the ensuing administrative proceeding.

  • Wanhuida represented New Balance in obtaining a permanent court injunction and damages awarded of CNY30 million from the Supreme People's Court in the second instance of a trade mark infringement and unfair competition suit. The long-running litigation was against the infringers using a slavish copycat of the client’s iconic slanting 'N' logo and its Chinese trade name.

  • 万慧达知识产权代表新百伦在商标侵权和不正当竞争诉讼二审中向最高人民法院申请永久禁令和3000万人民币的赔偿金。这场持续多年的诉讼是针对侵权者使用了新百伦具标志性的倾斜“N”标志以及对其中文名称的盲目模仿。

  • 万慧达知识产权代表快手进行无效和后续的行政诉讼,这使一家生物技术公司注册的假冒商标无效。


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Notable Practitioners

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Gang Bai
Gang Bai
Eminent Practitioners

Bai Gang is well known for his expertise in IP-related disputes. He advises on copyright and trade mark infringement cases, and attracts frequent instructions from foreign companies.

Haiyan Ren
Haiyan Ren
Eminent Practitioners

Ren Haiyan is a member of Wanhuida's management committee. She boasts three decades of experience in trade marks and skilfully deals with infringement cases for high-profile clients.

任海燕律师是万慧达管委会成员。她拥有近 30 年的处理商标事务的经验,擅长为知名客户处理侵权案件。
Hui Huang
Hui Huang
Band 1

Huang Hui is highly recognised for his expertise in contentious IP work. He also boasts impressive academic experience, particularly related to trade mark issues.

He is humble, professional, dedicated and candid. He also has strong communication skills with the courts.



Sam Li
Sam Li
Band 2

Sam Li handles an array of matters ranging from patent infringement cases and invalidation actions to administrative lawsuits. With an educational background and his practice in the US, he is frequently sought after by international clients.


Jason Yao
Jason Yao
Band 5

Jason Yao is the managing partner of the firm's Shenzhen office. He shows expertise in handling trade mark infringements for famous brands.

Jason differentiates himself by working with foreign companies. He combines the legal and commercial perspectives, providing feasible suggestions that are easy to understand and execute.



Ranked Lawyers at
Wanhuida Intellectual Property

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Filter by


Intellectual Property: Foreign Legal Consultants (PRC Firms)

Sam Li
Sam Li
Band 2
Intellectual Property: Litigation (PRC Firms)

Jason Yao
Jason Yao
Band 5
Intellectual Property: Non-litigation (PRC Firms)

Gang Bai
Gang Bai
Eminent Practitioners
Haiyan Ren
Haiyan Ren
Eminent Practitioners
Hui Huang
Hui Huang
Band 1


Provided by Wanhuida Intellectual Property


Provided by Wanhuida Intellectual Property

FMCG, Bio/Pharma, Industrials & manufacturing, Media & entertainment, Technology and telecommunications, Energy, Insurance, Materials, Spirits & IT