Number of partners: 5
Number of lawyers: 27 (including partners) plus 1 specialist advisor
Languages: English, French, German, Greek, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch
Firm Overview:
BLOMSTEIN is a leading boutique for antitrust, public procurement and international trade law as well as ESG based in Berlin, Germany. Founded in 2016 as a spin-off of a leading international law firm, BLOMSTEIN “has positioned itself at the top of the market within a few years”, according to clients and peers. The experienced team offers expert advice on all fields of antitrust, public procurement and international trade law as well as ESG and sustainability matters advising high-profile international clients in a broad range of sectors. BLOMSTEIN’s lawyers cooperate with an excellent network of leading specialist firms in Germany and abroad.
Main Areas of Practice:
Public Procurement Law/Government Contracts:
BLOMSTEIN supports through all phases of public procurement and provides comprehensive advice on litigation and procurement compliance matters.
For recent highlights, clients, members and contact details please see BLOMSTEIN’s Public Procurement profile.
Antitrust & Competition:
BLOMSTEIN advises on all areas of antitrust and competition law, including cartel follow-on damages claims, merger control, vertical agreements, behavioural advice and abuse of dominance proceedings, compliance and monitoring, cartels, market investigations and sector inquiries as well as state aid.
For recent highlights, clients, members and contact details please see BLOMSTEIN’s Competition/European Law profile.
International Trade Law:
BLOMSTEIN has a broad expertise of international trade law, incl. customs and excise taxes, export control and sanctions, foreign direct investment control (FDI), trade compliance, art and cultural property law as well as WTO, anti-dumping, safeguard measures and market organisation law.
3 Partners; 19 fee earners (including partners)
Recent highlights include:
■ Representing the German government in the administrative court proceedings regarding the prohibited (indirect) acquisition of Dortmund Semiconductor GmbH (Elmos) by Sai Micro-Electronics Inc.
■ Advising Cosco Shipping Ports regarding foreign direct investment aspects on the acquisition of voting rights in HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort
■ Advising Engineering Dobersek in the context of legal proceedings relating to the payment of an account balance which was refused due to sanction law arguments
■ Advising Helsing on FDI aspects in its Series B financing round
■ Representing Shell in an energy tax dispute with the Main Customs Office Hamburg before the Federal Tax Court and the ECJ
■ Representing RWE in two legal proceedings regarding excise taxes on the range of power used for power generation
Clients: ADM, BMW, German Federal Government, BP, COSCO, ED&F Man, Infineon, Helsing, Knorr-Bremse,MAN Energy Solutions, RWE, Shell, Südzucker, Vattenfall
Contact: Dr Pascal Friton and Dr Roland M Stein
Art and cultural property law: Dr Anna Blume Huttenlauch
Tel: +49 30 214 802 700
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Compliance & Monitoring:
BLOMSTEIN advises in relation to antitrust, procurement, trade and MDB compliance.
5 Partners; 18 fee earners (including partners)
Recent highlights include:
■ Being part of the EU Commission's Monitoring Trustee team (together with Alcis Advisers) to monitor the compliance of Amazon's commitments made to the Commission in the proceedings AT.40462 Amazon Marketplace and AT.40703 Amazon Buy Box
■ Acting as Monitoring Trustee (together with Alcis Advisers) in European Commission state aid proceedings SA.104353 – Recapitalisation of SEFE, SA.59913 – France COVID 19 – Recapitalisation of Air France and the Air France – KLM Holding, and SA.60165 – Portugal – Restructuring aid to TAP SGPS
■ Regular compliance trainings for a number of clients
Clients: Air France, Amazon, Axel Springer, E.ON, SEFE, TAP Air Portugal, Vodafone
Contact: Dr Anna Blume Huttenlauch and Dr Roland M Stein
Tel: +49 30 214 802 700
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
BLOMSTEIN is mainly focused advising and supporting clients on the following ESG fields:
■ Supply Chain and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence,
■ Deforestation,
■ Carbon market,
■ Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), Green Hydrogen (GH2),
■ Biofuel,
■ Taxonomy and reporting obligation, and
■ Antitrust & Competition.
They also representing clients in administrative sanctions procedures before multilateral development banks.
3 Partners; 14 fee earners (including partners)
Recent highlights include:
■ Advising the Brazilian Association of Beef Exporters (ABIEC) and Brazilian cattle and beef state sector representative Instituto Mato-Grossense da Carne (IMAC) on general EUDR questions, incl. risk classification, cooperations agreements and Due diligence, and other ESG related topics affecting the meat sector, such as CSDDD, CSRD, forced labour and animal welfare
Clients: ABIEC, IMAC
Contact: Dr Florian Wolf and Dr Anna Blume Huttenlauch
Tel: +49 30 214 802 700
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Ranked Offices
Provided by BLOMSTEIN
- BerlinOranienburger, Straße 66, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 10117
- Web: www.blomstein.com
- Tel: +49 30 2148 027 00
- Fax: +49 30 2148 027 01
- View ranked office
BLOMSTEIN rankings
Articles, highlights and press releases
33 items provided by BLOMSTEIN
Trump‘s Trade Policy - Auswirkungen der zweiten Präsidentschaft von Trump auf den EU-Außenhandel
Donald Trump ist erneut Präsident der USA. Die Reaktionen und Erwartungen reichen von Optimismus wegen der Aussicht auf weniger Regulierung bis hin zu Angst vor einem Handelskrieg mit China.
Einer oder alle? Paradigmenwechsel bei Alleinstellungsmerkmalen
Die Möglichkeit, Aufträge aufgrund von Ausschließlichkeitsrechten direkt zu vergeben, hat der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) in einer bemerkenswerten Entscheidung eingeschränkt – mit erheblichen Folgen für Unternehmen und an das Vergaberecht gebundene Auftraggeber.
Reporting Reloaded - Updates to AWV Reporting Obligations as of 1 January 2025
Reporting obligations under foreign trade law often place substantial bureaucratic burdens on companies and individuals. The changes and clarifications that took effect on 1 January 2025 are therefore particularly welcome. We provide a summary of the key changes.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Freihandel- und Präferenzabkommen der EU
In Freihandels- und Präferenzabkommen stecken großes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Gerade für international ausgerichtete Unternehmen eröffnen sie die Möglichkeit, Zollkosten und andere Export- und Importbeschränkungen zu reduzieren.
Keine Umgehung von Zöllen durch Produktionsverlagerung - Die Harley-Davidson Entscheidung des EuGH
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat am 21. November 2024 eine weitreichende Entscheidung zur zollrechtlichen Bewertung von Produktionsverlagerungen getroffen (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
No circumvention of EU tariffs by relocating production - The Harley-Davidson decision of the CJEU
On 21 November, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued a far-reaching ruling on the legal treatment of production relocations under the Union Customs Code (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
International Investment Protection and FDI Screening
In our series of briefings, we highlight some of the key issues of International Investment Law (IIL). In this fourth edition, we focus on the complex relationship between IIL and foreign direct investment (FDI) screening laws.
Geld für den Verteidigungssektor - Start-ups, Staatsgeld und strategische Investitionen
Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat eine regelrechte Aufbruchsstimmung in der europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (SVI) ausgelöst: Die Nachfrage nach militärischen Gütern, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen ist rasant gestiegen.
International Investment Law and Russian Countersanctions - Countering the Counterstrike?
In this third briefing on International Investment Law (IIL), we examine how IIL and investor-state arbitration may be used in response to the so-called countersanctions adopted by the Russian government in retaliation to sanctions imposed by the EU and its Western partners.
Cross-Border Military Deals - EU Procurement Law Exemption for Government-to-Government Contracts
Government-to-government (G2G) contracts represent a popular tool among EU Member States to procure defence equipment and other sensitive goods as well as related works and services, such as capacity training or maintenance and logistical support.
International Investment Law and the EU’s Economic Sanctions on Russia
In this second edition of BLOMSTEIN’s International Investment Law (IIL) briefing series, we look at how the EU’s sanctions against Russia are affecting existing investments in Russia and investment arbitrations against the Russian state.
EUDR Extension in the Balance - A Key Decision Still Pending
On 14 November, the European Parliament voted in favor of a 12-month postponement for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
Happy Birthday, Foreign Subsidies Regulation - Key takeaways from the European Commission’s practice
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation’s (FSR) concentration and public procurement tool came into force one year ago in October 2023. In this briefing, we provide an overview of the most important FSR rules and the lessons learned from their first application.
International Investment Law - Unpacking a Dynamic Regime
Foreign direct investments (FDI) have faced greater scrutiny in recent years, as states increasingly subject investment transactions to screening procedures due to rising geopolitical tensions and national security concerns.
H2Global Expands - Both Local and Global: New H2 Auctions Catalyse International Hydrogen Market
As the global shift to sustainable energy continues to gather pace, the European hydrogen market offers unprecedented opportunities. Recent developments in Germany and the European Union highlight strategic advances in both production and infrastructure.
BLOMSTEIN berät Outlast Gruppe beim Verkauf an Sunwin
BLOMSTEIN hat den Hersteller für textile Hochleistungsmaterialien Outlast Techno-logies GmbH bei seinem Verkauf an den chinesischen Textilhersteller Shanghai Sunwin Industry Group Co., Ltd. zu investitionskontrollrechtlichen Aspekten beraten.
EU-only in Defence Procurement?- New developments hinder non-EU companies in defence sector
After many years in the shadows, the European defence industry has returned to the political agenda since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. One of the ways to strengthen the domestic industry is to favour EU companies in defence procurement by EU Member States.
Damages in Defence Procurements - Dawn of a new era thanks to recent ECJ ruling?
A recent decision brings new life to the question of compensation for unlawful conduct by the German MOD in Defence Procurements.
No more empty shelves? - Competition Law as the new wonder weapon
Empty supermarket shelves are an image German consumers have become quite used to over the recent years. Haribo gummy bears were no longer for sale at Lidl for a while, Dr. Oetker's pizza could not be shopped in Kaufland freezers and Mars stopped delivering EDEKA for a long t
BLOMSTEIN unterstützt Join Capital bei Investment in Quantenkommunikation
Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde für Quantum Optics Jena Bei der Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde des Startups Quantum Optics Jena GmbH mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 8,5 Mio. Euro hat BLOMSTEIN gemeinsam mit lindenpart-ners den VC-Fond und Lead-Investor Join Capital erfolgreich unterstützt.
Fallstricke in Förderverfahren - Chancen nutzen und Risiken vermeiden
In diesem Briefing werden vier Fallstricke dargestellt, die im Zuwendungs- und Beihilferecht immer wieder zu Problemen führen. Nur wer diesen aus dem Weg geht, kann die Chancen staatlicher Förderung voll ausnutzen.
EU corporate sustainability framework - What Non-EU Businesses Need to Know
This briefing is the seventh and last in a series on the CSDDD. In this briefing, we examine the key considerations with respect to the EU’s corporate sustainability package for companies operating outside the EU but that have business ties in the EU.
Empowering SMEs - David vs. Goliath: Collaborative Strategies for SMEs
The rise of digital business models has reshaped retail landscapes worldwide, fostering significant consolidation within various markets. Online platforms and e-commerce giants have leveraged their vast resources, extensive reach, and sophisticated data analytics to dominate market segments.
CSDDD and Green Claims Directive - Securing Consumer Welfare, Enhancing Corporate Sustainability
This briefing is the sixth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In this briefing, we explore the main goals of the upcoming Green Claims Directive (GCD) and draw a parallel with the CSDDD.
Free Riding - Here We Go? - Is the ECJ’s judgement the end of narrow parity clauses?
Getting a free ride is not always easy and can be a long and bumpy journey. The recent judgment in the Booking.com case is a testament to this. Below, we summarize the twists and turns of this landmark case.
CSDDD and Forced Labour Regulation - Common Goals, Reinforcing Approaches
This briefing is the fifth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In today’s briefing we explore the main points of convergence and differences be-tween the CSDDD and the upcoming Forced Labour Regulation.
Sanctions 101 - A Survival Guide for IT and Software Companies
Not only the EU has tightened its sanctions against Russia and Belarus. The US has also imposed additional restrictions with a particular focus on certain hardware, software, and services. However, many of these new US restrictions have been part of the EU sanctions in one form or another.
CSDDD and CSRD - Spot the Difference!
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to reconcile them.
EUDR on the Horizon - Lost in the woods? BMEL tries to guide you
Starting December 30, 2024, the provisions of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) will apply to large and medium enterprise operators.
CSDDD and EUDR - Crafting an Integrated Compliance Strategy
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to leverage synergies when implementing compliance procedures.
Trump‘s Trade Policy - Auswirkungen der zweiten Präsidentschaft von Trump auf den EU-Außenhandel
Donald Trump ist erneut Präsident der USA. Die Reaktionen und Erwartungen reichen von Optimismus wegen der Aussicht auf weniger Regulierung bis hin zu Angst vor einem Handelskrieg mit China.
Einer oder alle? Paradigmenwechsel bei Alleinstellungsmerkmalen
Die Möglichkeit, Aufträge aufgrund von Ausschließlichkeitsrechten direkt zu vergeben, hat der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) in einer bemerkenswerten Entscheidung eingeschränkt – mit erheblichen Folgen für Unternehmen und an das Vergaberecht gebundene Auftraggeber.
Reporting Reloaded - Updates to AWV Reporting Obligations as of 1 January 2025
Reporting obligations under foreign trade law often place substantial bureaucratic burdens on companies and individuals. The changes and clarifications that took effect on 1 January 2025 are therefore particularly welcome. We provide a summary of the key changes.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Freihandel- und Präferenzabkommen der EU
In Freihandels- und Präferenzabkommen stecken großes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Gerade für international ausgerichtete Unternehmen eröffnen sie die Möglichkeit, Zollkosten und andere Export- und Importbeschränkungen zu reduzieren.
Keine Umgehung von Zöllen durch Produktionsverlagerung - Die Harley-Davidson Entscheidung des EuGH
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat am 21. November 2024 eine weitreichende Entscheidung zur zollrechtlichen Bewertung von Produktionsverlagerungen getroffen (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
No circumvention of EU tariffs by relocating production - The Harley-Davidson decision of the CJEU
On 21 November, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued a far-reaching ruling on the legal treatment of production relocations under the Union Customs Code (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
International Investment Protection and FDI Screening
In our series of briefings, we highlight some of the key issues of International Investment Law (IIL). In this fourth edition, we focus on the complex relationship between IIL and foreign direct investment (FDI) screening laws.
Geld für den Verteidigungssektor - Start-ups, Staatsgeld und strategische Investitionen
Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat eine regelrechte Aufbruchsstimmung in der europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (SVI) ausgelöst: Die Nachfrage nach militärischen Gütern, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen ist rasant gestiegen.
International Investment Law and Russian Countersanctions - Countering the Counterstrike?
In this third briefing on International Investment Law (IIL), we examine how IIL and investor-state arbitration may be used in response to the so-called countersanctions adopted by the Russian government in retaliation to sanctions imposed by the EU and its Western partners.
Cross-Border Military Deals - EU Procurement Law Exemption for Government-to-Government Contracts
Government-to-government (G2G) contracts represent a popular tool among EU Member States to procure defence equipment and other sensitive goods as well as related works and services, such as capacity training or maintenance and logistical support.
International Investment Law and the EU’s Economic Sanctions on Russia
In this second edition of BLOMSTEIN’s International Investment Law (IIL) briefing series, we look at how the EU’s sanctions against Russia are affecting existing investments in Russia and investment arbitrations against the Russian state.
EUDR Extension in the Balance - A Key Decision Still Pending
On 14 November, the European Parliament voted in favor of a 12-month postponement for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
Happy Birthday, Foreign Subsidies Regulation - Key takeaways from the European Commission’s practice
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation’s (FSR) concentration and public procurement tool came into force one year ago in October 2023. In this briefing, we provide an overview of the most important FSR rules and the lessons learned from their first application.
International Investment Law - Unpacking a Dynamic Regime
Foreign direct investments (FDI) have faced greater scrutiny in recent years, as states increasingly subject investment transactions to screening procedures due to rising geopolitical tensions and national security concerns.
H2Global Expands - Both Local and Global: New H2 Auctions Catalyse International Hydrogen Market
As the global shift to sustainable energy continues to gather pace, the European hydrogen market offers unprecedented opportunities. Recent developments in Germany and the European Union highlight strategic advances in both production and infrastructure.
BLOMSTEIN berät Outlast Gruppe beim Verkauf an Sunwin
BLOMSTEIN hat den Hersteller für textile Hochleistungsmaterialien Outlast Techno-logies GmbH bei seinem Verkauf an den chinesischen Textilhersteller Shanghai Sunwin Industry Group Co., Ltd. zu investitionskontrollrechtlichen Aspekten beraten.
EU-only in Defence Procurement?- New developments hinder non-EU companies in defence sector
After many years in the shadows, the European defence industry has returned to the political agenda since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. One of the ways to strengthen the domestic industry is to favour EU companies in defence procurement by EU Member States.
Damages in Defence Procurements - Dawn of a new era thanks to recent ECJ ruling?
A recent decision brings new life to the question of compensation for unlawful conduct by the German MOD in Defence Procurements.
No more empty shelves? - Competition Law as the new wonder weapon
Empty supermarket shelves are an image German consumers have become quite used to over the recent years. Haribo gummy bears were no longer for sale at Lidl for a while, Dr. Oetker's pizza could not be shopped in Kaufland freezers and Mars stopped delivering EDEKA for a long t
BLOMSTEIN unterstützt Join Capital bei Investment in Quantenkommunikation
Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde für Quantum Optics Jena Bei der Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde des Startups Quantum Optics Jena GmbH mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 8,5 Mio. Euro hat BLOMSTEIN gemeinsam mit lindenpart-ners den VC-Fond und Lead-Investor Join Capital erfolgreich unterstützt.
Fallstricke in Förderverfahren - Chancen nutzen und Risiken vermeiden
In diesem Briefing werden vier Fallstricke dargestellt, die im Zuwendungs- und Beihilferecht immer wieder zu Problemen führen. Nur wer diesen aus dem Weg geht, kann die Chancen staatlicher Förderung voll ausnutzen.
EU corporate sustainability framework - What Non-EU Businesses Need to Know
This briefing is the seventh and last in a series on the CSDDD. In this briefing, we examine the key considerations with respect to the EU’s corporate sustainability package for companies operating outside the EU but that have business ties in the EU.
Empowering SMEs - David vs. Goliath: Collaborative Strategies for SMEs
The rise of digital business models has reshaped retail landscapes worldwide, fostering significant consolidation within various markets. Online platforms and e-commerce giants have leveraged their vast resources, extensive reach, and sophisticated data analytics to dominate market segments.
CSDDD and Green Claims Directive - Securing Consumer Welfare, Enhancing Corporate Sustainability
This briefing is the sixth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In this briefing, we explore the main goals of the upcoming Green Claims Directive (GCD) and draw a parallel with the CSDDD.
Free Riding - Here We Go? - Is the ECJ’s judgement the end of narrow parity clauses?
Getting a free ride is not always easy and can be a long and bumpy journey. The recent judgment in the Booking.com case is a testament to this. Below, we summarize the twists and turns of this landmark case.
CSDDD and Forced Labour Regulation - Common Goals, Reinforcing Approaches
This briefing is the fifth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In today’s briefing we explore the main points of convergence and differences be-tween the CSDDD and the upcoming Forced Labour Regulation.
Sanctions 101 - A Survival Guide for IT and Software Companies
Not only the EU has tightened its sanctions against Russia and Belarus. The US has also imposed additional restrictions with a particular focus on certain hardware, software, and services. However, many of these new US restrictions have been part of the EU sanctions in one form or another.
CSDDD and CSRD - Spot the Difference!
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to reconcile them.
EUDR on the Horizon - Lost in the woods? BMEL tries to guide you
Starting December 30, 2024, the provisions of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) will apply to large and medium enterprise operators.
CSDDD and EUDR - Crafting an Integrated Compliance Strategy
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to leverage synergies when implementing compliance procedures.