Chambers Review
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Provided by Roland M Stein
International trade law and national security expert
Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht (specialist lawyer for public procurement law)
Head of BLOMSTEIN's Brazil Desk
Many years of experience in advising national and international clients on all matters relating to international trade law:
Foreign investment control proceedings,
Export control and sanctions procedures and investigations (in particular with regard to the export of software, technology and know-how as well as sensitive products),
Customs law, excise taxes (primarily energy, electricity, alcohol tax), and
WTO, EU law (particularly anti-dumping, safeguard measures)
Advice to bidders and contracting authorities on all aspects of public procurement law, including litigation, advisory matters, and public procurement compliance (exclusions, debarments, self-cleaning)
World Bank, EBRD, EIB, ADB debarment matters
World Bank admitted monitor
Sector experience: IT and technology, energy, general industry, infrastructure, defence and security
BLOMSTEIN founding partner (2016)
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Berlin, London (2006-2016)
Admitted to the Bar in Germany (Rechtsanwalt)
One of the Directors of the CELIS Institute
Co-leader of the defence and security division of forum vergabe (Gesprächskreis Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitsvergaben)
Co-chair of the IBA subcommittee on debarments and exclusions
Publishes in international and national law journals on international trade and public procurement law
Co-editor of “Recht der Investitionskontrolle” (commentary on investment control law)
Co-author of the Commentary on the German Foreign Trade and Payments Act (AWG) in Dorsch
Co-author of the contribution to the German investment protection law, Lexology Panoramic (formerly GTDT): Foreign Investment Review, since 2019
Co-author of the chapter on the European Union sanctions regime, Lexology Panoramic (formerly GTDT): Sanctions, since 2021
Co-editor of “Beck’scher Online-Kommentar Vergaberecht”, Co-editor of “Contracting und Recht”
Frequent speaker at conferences and seminars in the EU and US
Half German, half Brazilian, grew up in São Paulo
Universities of Heidelberg and Leeds
LL.M. Eur., PhD degree (Dr. iur.), University of Frankfurt
Provided by Chambers
27 items provided by BLOMSTEIN
The EU’s Trade Defence Arsenal - How can the EU stand its ground between Trump and China?
The EU has equipped itself with various trade defence instruments (TDIs) to protect its economy from unmanageable import surges, unfair foreign state support and to address impairment of its access to foreign markets.
EU and U.S. Sanctions against Russia - EU’s 16th Sanctions Package and Outlook for U.S. Sanctions
On the third anniversary of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EU has once again tightened its sanctions regime against Russia and Belarus. The most important amendments concern Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 (the Russia Regulation) and Regula-tion (EC) No 765/2006 (the Belarus Regulation).
EU Simplification Package - CSRD, CSDDD and CBAM under revision
On 26 February 2025, the European Commission presented its long-awaited Omnibus package, purportedly aimed at simplifying a range of EU regulations. The revisions respond to mounting pressure from businesses and governments.
Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung (OLAF) – Mandat, Zahlen und Fakten
Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung ist ein Amt der Europäischen Kommission, das dem Kommissar für Steuern und Zollunion zugeordnet ist. Bei der Wahrnehmung seines Untersuchungsmandats handelt das OLAF jedoch völlig unabhängig. Es wird derzeit vom Generaldirektor Ville Itälä geleitet.
Ready, Set, Bid: The Race for the Second H2Global Auction has Started
This auction represents a pivotal opportunity for market participants to secure their position in the evolving hydrogen economy. This phase presents a crucial opportunity for stakeholders to engage early, refine their strategies, and shape the final terms of the auction.
Security & defence in the election campaign - Key takeaways for the defence industry
New federal parliament elections are due to be held in Germany on 23 February 2025. In light of the multiple international challenges, national security and defence is one of the key issues. This briefing provides an overview of the content of the election manifestos of the main political parties.
Erleichterung des Exports von Dual-Use Software - 4. Maßnahmenpaket des BAFA
Zielsetzung des Maßnahmenpaketes ist es, durch die Erweiterung bestehender bzw. die Einführung neuer allgemeiner Genehmigungen zur Ausfuhr bzw. Verbringung bestimmter Rüstungs- und Dual-Use-Güter die Anzahl anhängiger Genehmigungsanträge beim BAFA deutlich zu verringern.
EU Competitiveness Compass: How can competition, international trade and public procurement help?
In this challenging economic and political climate, enhancing the competitiveness of European businesses and reinforcing the resilience of the Single Market have become key political priorities, as outlined in the European Council's Budapest Declaration on the New European Competitiveness Deal.
Trump's Trade Policy - An overview of an exceptionally fast-moving subject
Donald Trump is once again president of the United States. Reactions and expectations range from optimism, driven by hopes for an antiregulatory agenda, to fears of a trade war with China.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Freihandel- und Präferenzabkommen der EU
In Freihandels- und Präferenzabkommen stecken großes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Gerade für international ausgerichtete Unternehmen eröffnen sie die Möglichkeit, Zollkosten und andere Export- und Importbeschränkungen zu reduzieren.
Keine Umgehung von Zöllen durch Produktionsverlagerung - Die Harley-Davidson Entscheidung des EuGH
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat am 21. November 2024 eine weitreichende Entscheidung zur zollrechtlichen Bewertung von Produktionsverlagerungen getroffen (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
No circumvention of EU tariffs by relocating production - The Harley-Davidson decision of the CJEU
On 21 November, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued a far-reaching ruling on the legal treatment of production relocations under the Union Customs Code (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
International Investment Protection and FDI Screening
In our series of briefings, we highlight some of the key issues of International Investment Law (IIL). In this fourth edition, we focus on the complex relationship between IIL and foreign direct investment (FDI) screening laws.
Geld für den Verteidigungssektor - Start-ups, Staatsgeld und strategische Investitionen
Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat eine regelrechte Aufbruchsstimmung in der europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (SVI) ausgelöst: Die Nachfrage nach militärischen Gütern, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen ist rasant gestiegen.
International Investment Law and Russian Countersanctions - Countering the Counterstrike?
In this third briefing on International Investment Law (IIL), we examine how IIL and investor-state arbitration may be used in response to the so-called countersanctions adopted by the Russian government in retaliation to sanctions imposed by the EU and its Western partners.
Cross-Border Military Deals - EU Procurement Law Exemption for Government-to-Government Contracts
Government-to-government (G2G) contracts represent a popular tool among EU Member States to procure defence equipment and other sensitive goods as well as related works and services, such as capacity training or maintenance and logistical support.
International Investment Law and the EU’s Economic Sanctions on Russia
In this second edition of BLOMSTEIN’s International Investment Law (IIL) briefing series, we look at how the EU’s sanctions against Russia are affecting existing investments in Russia and investment arbitrations against the Russian state.
EUDR Extension in the Balance - A Key Decision Still Pending
On 14 November, the European Parliament voted in favor of a 12-month postponement for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
International Investment Law - Unpacking a Dynamic Regime
Foreign direct investments (FDI) have faced greater scrutiny in recent years, as states increasingly subject investment transactions to screening procedures due to rising geopolitical tensions and national security concerns.
EU-only in Defence Procurement?- New developments hinder non-EU companies in defence sector
After many years in the shadows, the European defence industry has returned to the political agenda since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. One of the ways to strengthen the domestic industry is to favour EU companies in defence procurement by EU Member States.
Damages in Defence Procurements - Dawn of a new era thanks to recent ECJ ruling?
A recent decision brings new life to the question of compensation for unlawful conduct by the German MOD in Defence Procurements.
BLOMSTEIN unterstützt Join Capital bei Investment in Quantenkommunikation
Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde für Quantum Optics Jena Bei der Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde des Startups Quantum Optics Jena GmbH mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 8,5 Mio. Euro hat BLOMSTEIN gemeinsam mit lindenpart-ners den VC-Fond und Lead-Investor Join Capital erfolgreich unterstützt.
CSDDD and Green Claims Directive - Securing Consumer Welfare, Enhancing Corporate Sustainability
This briefing is the sixth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In this briefing, we explore the main goals of the upcoming Green Claims Directive (GCD) and draw a parallel with the CSDDD.
CSDDD and Forced Labour Regulation - Common Goals, Reinforcing Approaches
This briefing is the fifth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In today’s briefing we explore the main points of convergence and differences be-tween the CSDDD and the upcoming Forced Labour Regulation.
CSDDD and CSRD - Spot the Difference!
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to reconcile them.
EUDR on the Horizon - Lost in the woods? BMEL tries to guide you
Starting December 30, 2024, the provisions of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) will apply to large and medium enterprise operators.
CSDDD and EUDR - Crafting an Integrated Compliance Strategy
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to leverage synergies when implementing compliance procedures.
The EU’s Trade Defence Arsenal - How can the EU stand its ground between Trump and China?
The EU has equipped itself with various trade defence instruments (TDIs) to protect its economy from unmanageable import surges, unfair foreign state support and to address impairment of its access to foreign markets.
EU and U.S. Sanctions against Russia - EU’s 16th Sanctions Package and Outlook for U.S. Sanctions
On the third anniversary of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EU has once again tightened its sanctions regime against Russia and Belarus. The most important amendments concern Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 (the Russia Regulation) and Regula-tion (EC) No 765/2006 (the Belarus Regulation).
EU Simplification Package - CSRD, CSDDD and CBAM under revision
On 26 February 2025, the European Commission presented its long-awaited Omnibus package, purportedly aimed at simplifying a range of EU regulations. The revisions respond to mounting pressure from businesses and governments.
Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung (OLAF) – Mandat, Zahlen und Fakten
Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung ist ein Amt der Europäischen Kommission, das dem Kommissar für Steuern und Zollunion zugeordnet ist. Bei der Wahrnehmung seines Untersuchungsmandats handelt das OLAF jedoch völlig unabhängig. Es wird derzeit vom Generaldirektor Ville Itälä geleitet.
Ready, Set, Bid: The Race for the Second H2Global Auction has Started
This auction represents a pivotal opportunity for market participants to secure their position in the evolving hydrogen economy. This phase presents a crucial opportunity for stakeholders to engage early, refine their strategies, and shape the final terms of the auction.
Security & defence in the election campaign - Key takeaways for the defence industry
New federal parliament elections are due to be held in Germany on 23 February 2025. In light of the multiple international challenges, national security and defence is one of the key issues. This briefing provides an overview of the content of the election manifestos of the main political parties.
Erleichterung des Exports von Dual-Use Software - 4. Maßnahmenpaket des BAFA
Zielsetzung des Maßnahmenpaketes ist es, durch die Erweiterung bestehender bzw. die Einführung neuer allgemeiner Genehmigungen zur Ausfuhr bzw. Verbringung bestimmter Rüstungs- und Dual-Use-Güter die Anzahl anhängiger Genehmigungsanträge beim BAFA deutlich zu verringern.
EU Competitiveness Compass: How can competition, international trade and public procurement help?
In this challenging economic and political climate, enhancing the competitiveness of European businesses and reinforcing the resilience of the Single Market have become key political priorities, as outlined in the European Council's Budapest Declaration on the New European Competitiveness Deal.
Trump's Trade Policy - An overview of an exceptionally fast-moving subject
Donald Trump is once again president of the United States. Reactions and expectations range from optimism, driven by hopes for an antiregulatory agenda, to fears of a trade war with China.
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Freihandel- und Präferenzabkommen der EU
In Freihandels- und Präferenzabkommen stecken großes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Gerade für international ausgerichtete Unternehmen eröffnen sie die Möglichkeit, Zollkosten und andere Export- und Importbeschränkungen zu reduzieren.
Keine Umgehung von Zöllen durch Produktionsverlagerung - Die Harley-Davidson Entscheidung des EuGH
Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat am 21. November 2024 eine weitreichende Entscheidung zur zollrechtlichen Bewertung von Produktionsverlagerungen getroffen (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
No circumvention of EU tariffs by relocating production - The Harley-Davidson decision of the CJEU
On 21 November, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued a far-reaching ruling on the legal treatment of production relocations under the Union Customs Code (Harley-Davidson Europe – C-297/23 P).
International Investment Protection and FDI Screening
In our series of briefings, we highlight some of the key issues of International Investment Law (IIL). In this fourth edition, we focus on the complex relationship between IIL and foreign direct investment (FDI) screening laws.
Geld für den Verteidigungssektor - Start-ups, Staatsgeld und strategische Investitionen
Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine hat eine regelrechte Aufbruchsstimmung in der europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (SVI) ausgelöst: Die Nachfrage nach militärischen Gütern, Dienstleistungen und Innovationen ist rasant gestiegen.
International Investment Law and Russian Countersanctions - Countering the Counterstrike?
In this third briefing on International Investment Law (IIL), we examine how IIL and investor-state arbitration may be used in response to the so-called countersanctions adopted by the Russian government in retaliation to sanctions imposed by the EU and its Western partners.
Cross-Border Military Deals - EU Procurement Law Exemption for Government-to-Government Contracts
Government-to-government (G2G) contracts represent a popular tool among EU Member States to procure defence equipment and other sensitive goods as well as related works and services, such as capacity training or maintenance and logistical support.
International Investment Law and the EU’s Economic Sanctions on Russia
In this second edition of BLOMSTEIN’s International Investment Law (IIL) briefing series, we look at how the EU’s sanctions against Russia are affecting existing investments in Russia and investment arbitrations against the Russian state.
EUDR Extension in the Balance - A Key Decision Still Pending
On 14 November, the European Parliament voted in favor of a 12-month postponement for the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR).
International Investment Law - Unpacking a Dynamic Regime
Foreign direct investments (FDI) have faced greater scrutiny in recent years, as states increasingly subject investment transactions to screening procedures due to rising geopolitical tensions and national security concerns.
EU-only in Defence Procurement?- New developments hinder non-EU companies in defence sector
After many years in the shadows, the European defence industry has returned to the political agenda since Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. One of the ways to strengthen the domestic industry is to favour EU companies in defence procurement by EU Member States.
Damages in Defence Procurements - Dawn of a new era thanks to recent ECJ ruling?
A recent decision brings new life to the question of compensation for unlawful conduct by the German MOD in Defence Procurements.
BLOMSTEIN unterstützt Join Capital bei Investment in Quantenkommunikation
Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde für Quantum Optics Jena Bei der Series-A-Finanzierungsrunde des Startups Quantum Optics Jena GmbH mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 8,5 Mio. Euro hat BLOMSTEIN gemeinsam mit lindenpart-ners den VC-Fond und Lead-Investor Join Capital erfolgreich unterstützt.
CSDDD and Green Claims Directive - Securing Consumer Welfare, Enhancing Corporate Sustainability
This briefing is the sixth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In this briefing, we explore the main goals of the upcoming Green Claims Directive (GCD) and draw a parallel with the CSDDD.
CSDDD and Forced Labour Regulation - Common Goals, Reinforcing Approaches
This briefing is the fifth in a series on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). In today’s briefing we explore the main points of convergence and differences be-tween the CSDDD and the upcoming Forced Labour Regulation.
CSDDD and CSRD - Spot the Difference!
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to reconcile them.
EUDR on the Horizon - Lost in the woods? BMEL tries to guide you
Starting December 30, 2024, the provisions of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) will apply to large and medium enterprise operators.
CSDDD and EUDR - Crafting an Integrated Compliance Strategy
In today’s briefing we explore the main differences and points of convergence of the CSDDD and the European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR), particularly which companies might be affected by both and how to leverage synergies when implementing compliance procedures.