Firm Profile

Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados

Latin America Guide 2025

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Latin America

Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados

Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados

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Provided by Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados
Latin America
Managing Partners:Javier Dolorier, José Gálvez
Senior Partners: Karina Arbulú, Martín Mantilla, Silvia Muñoz, Flor Villaseca, Karen Céspedes
Number of partners: 7 Number of other lawyers: 15

Javier Dolorier
[email protected]
Tax: José Gálvez
[email protected]
Transfer Pricing: Silvia Muñoz
[email protected]

Firm Overview:

Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados (G&D) is an innovative and modern state-of-the-art boutique law firm specialising in labour and tax. The tax department is led by partners José Gálvez and Silvia Muñoz, former officials at the Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT) in managerial positions (e.g. Chief of Legal Affairs Division at both, the Large National Taxpayers Intendency and Lima Taxpayers Intendency). Both partners have participated along those years in several tax legislation reforms related to income tax, and have later contributed to tax reforms in the Peruvian capital market as advisors to the Lima Stock Exchange. The labour and employment area is led by partners Javier Dolorier, a former advisor to both the Labour National Council and the Supreme Court in labour matters, who has been acting as arbitrator in labour and commercial matters, and Flor Villaseca an experienced labour litigator and a specialised lawyer in safety and health at work.

The age range of partners is between 40-50, and 24-30 of associates. The firm is committed to the long-term professional development of its associates who regulary attend courses and programs at prestigious institutions (Vienna University of Economics and Business; Leiden University, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation) Experience in the Peruvian public sector and in the private legal practice is a perfect match and a key value for clients. Another competitive strength is the combination of in–depth knowledge and strong litigation skills as well as in tax law and in labour law, with a cost efficient and commercially oriented approach, which is an unusual feature at larger law firms. Following recent trends in international law practice, the firm has been working with clients in the implementation of compliance programs and good practices.Main Areas of Practice:
Tax: 47.5%

Labour & Employment:
The department’s specialisation areas include:
■ Litigation & Labour Arbitration
■ Labour Union Matters
■ Labour Audits
■ Immigration

The firm represents clients in employee relations and advises on all matters related to employment and labour law.

The team’s regular work includes drafting policy papers for clients on pay equity, sexual harassment prevention and complaints procedures, and LGTB inclusion initiatives.

As well as this, the firm advises corporate clients on the impact of new technologies on job reduction.

The firm has been participating in highly sophisticated tax consulting with a focus on tax reorganizations, cross-border transactions, and tax litigation representing domestic and foreign companies before the administrative and judicial local authorities, primarily in transfer pricing and taxation of multinational economic groups matters.

Other specialisation areas are:
■ General tax advisory and tax litigation
■ Tax planning (includes fiscal planning and wealth management)
■ Technology and e-commerce (high specialisation in taxation of digital services, technical assistance, royalties, software and other e-commerce and IT-related operations)
■ Capital markets taxation

Complementary Areas:
Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados’ tax and labour law departments are supported by auditing accountants specialised in compliance programs.

English, Spanish.

Large taxpayers, sectors such as mining and mineral trading, construction and real estate, pharma industry, broadcasting, beauty and personal care, and personal care, industrial and manufacturing, energy; investment funds, manufacturers, technology and telecommunications, the Lima Stock Exchange and its clearinghouse; government agencies, state-owned companies.

Companies and C-executives. State-owned companies (airports, oil company and regulatory agencies), health centres and health services providers, agribusiness, higher education, retail, automotive, food and beverage, broadcasting, telecommunications, transportation and infrastructure operators.

Ranked Offices

Provided by Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados

Peru - Head office

Gálvez & Dolorier Abogados rankings

Latin America Guide 2025
Filter by
Labour & Employment
1 Ranked Lawyer
Javier Dolorier
Javier Dolorier
Band 4
1 Department
3 Ranked Lawyers
Band 3
Silvia Muñoz
Silvia Muñoz
Head of Tax
Band 2
José Gálvez
José Gálvez
Band 4
Rosa Chevarria
Up and Coming