Levy Firestone Muse
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Managing Partner: Joshua A. Levy
Number of Lawyers: 13
Number of Partners: 7
Firm Overview
Levy Firestone Muse LLP (“LFM”) is best known for representing clients in investigations and litigation at the intersection of law and politics. LFM represents clients from every investigative vantage point: from clients under government scrutiny, to institutional clients hiring LFM to conduct large-scale investigations, to whistleblower clients reporting wrongdoing to government investigators. LFM litigators have represented both plaintiffs and defendants in high stakes, often politically fraught litigation, achieving success through creative thinking, clear writing, and oral advocacy.
LFM attorneys have top-of-the-line credentials, with Latin honors from the best law schools, federal judicial clerkships, and years at the White House, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Senate, and the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia. With decades of experience and over a hundred cases tried to verdict, LFM attorneys are prepared to thrive in any legal challenge.
Main Areas of Practice
- White-Collar Defense and Internal Investigations
- Congressional Investigations
- Civil Litigation
- Whistleblower Defense
White-Collar Defense and Internal Investigations
LFM lawyers have considerable expertise in criminal matters. LFM partners Monique Abrishami and Daren Firestone served as federal prosecutors, and LFM partner Bob Muse served in the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia. Drawing on that experience and decades of representing clients under investigation in private practice, LFM lawyers help navigate clients through investigations led by grand juries and federal enforcement agencies—often with a political intersection. For example:
- LFM lawyers have successfully represented Senators, members of Congress, judges, businessmen, and labor leaders in major criminal investigations and disciplinary matters.
- LFM lawyers represented Paula Broadwell, Gen. David Petraeus’s biographer, in two DOJ criminal investigations, both resulting in declinations to prosecute Ms. Broadwell.
- LFM represented Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned “the Steele Dossier,” in Special Counsel John Durham’s criminal investigations, resulting in no charges against Fusion GPS or any of its principals or employees.
- LFM lawyers have persuaded the DOJ not to prosecute clients in a variety of investigations into alleged violations of health care fraud, wire fraud, securities fraud, export control, anti-bribery and campaign finance laws.
LFM has conducted investigations on behalf of other organizations and governmental entities. Overseas, LFM investigated, on behalf of the Government of Rwanda, the role of French officials in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, culminating in a 600-page report published in 2021. At home, LFM investigated, on behalf of the Major League Baseball Players Association, the conduct of player representatives in the Biogenesis performance-enhancing drug scandal. LFM has conducted investigations on behalf of large non-profit organizations facing government scrutiny and millions of dollars of actual or potential loss.
Congressional Investigations
LFM has deep experience in congressional investigations. LFM partner Bob Muse was a staff attorney for the Senate Watergate Committee and then the general counsel to the Senate Katrina investigation. LFM partner Joshua Levy was a counsel and investigator for the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, as well as counsel to Senator Charles E. Schumer. LFM partner Margaret Whitney served as a Chief Counsel for Nominations on the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. LFM lawyers have represented clients in congressional investigations into a variety of fact patterns and Beltway affairs, including Iran-Contra, Filegate, Anita Hill, Whitewater, Afghanistan, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Hurricane Katrina, Russia’s interference with the 2016 Election, Coronavirus, and January 6.
Civil Litigation
LFM litigators have a long track record of success in challenging civil matters, whether in the courtroom or at the negotiating table. For example:
- LFM represents plaintiffs in complex medical malpractice and personal injury cases, including LFM’s representation of the family of Harry Dunn against the US government employee responsible for Mr. Dunn’s death in a motorcycle accident in the UK, a case that has received substantial international attention and the personal involvement of the President of the United States.
- LFM has successfully defended clients in commercial litigation, such as Fusion GPS—the company that commissioned former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to research Donald Trump in 2016—in multiple RICO actions and defamation cases, all of which have been dismissed.
- LFM represents scores of third parties served with subpoenas in civil litigation, resulting in reasonable resolutions of disputes over the subpoenas and court orders quashing them.
Whistleblower Representation
LFM’s whistleblower practice is one of its hallmarks. LFM partner Bob Muse represented Cynthia Cooper, a Time Woman of the Year, exposing fraud at MCI WorldCom. LFM partners Bob Muse and Joshua Levy represented the whistleblower who reported the adulteration and misbranding of FDA-approved drugs, resulting in the largest settlement of a False Claims Act case with a generic drug company in US history. LFM lawyers Bob Muse and Rachel Clattenburg represented Dr. Denis Burke, a world renowned orthopedic surgeon, who was terminated after raising concerns about concurrent surgeries performed as Massachusetts General Hospital, resulting in an eight-figure settlement. Today, LFM lawyers are at the vanguard of whistleblower representation, working closely with government investigators to further inquiries into violations of the False Claims Act, fraudulent cryptocurrency conduct, kleptocracy-related money laundering, and sanctions circumvention.
900 17th St. NW
Suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20006
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1 202 845 3215
Fax: +1 202 595 8253
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Provided by Levy Firestone Muse
- Washington, DC900 17th Street NW Suite 1200 Washington, DC , Washington, DC, District of Columbia, USA, 20006
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