Chair of the Management Committee: Richard Hermer KC
Chief Executive: Rachel Holmes
Senior Practice Managers: Paul Venables, Alison Scanes, Elizabeth Bousher
Members: 106
Matrix is a barristers’ chambers located in London, Geneva and Brussels. It is a collection of lawyers specialising in a wide range of practice areas throughout the UK and internationally. Described as ‘professional and forward thinking’, Matrix is an approachable set that is proud of its record of innovation. The core values govern the way it works and outline its commitment to operating within an environment where diversity, accessibility and client care are widely championed.
Matrix members have expertise in a wide range of practice areas relating to:
- Commercial
- Competition and EU
- Crime
- Employment
- International arbitration
- Investigations
- Media and information
- Private International Law
- Public International Law
- Public Law
Owing to Matrix’s multi-disciplinary practice and standard of excellence, it is uniquely positioned to deal with complex legal issues in the UK and internationally, particularly where they overlap multiple areas of law.
- Mark Afeeva (1997)
- Nick Armstrong KC (2001) (Solicitor 1998) (KC-2023)
- Kwaku Awuku-Asabre (2015)
- Alex Bailin KC (1995) (KC-2010)
- Radha Bhatt (2020)
- Sir Nicholas Blake (1974) (KC-1994) ++
- Prof Laurence Boisson de Chazournes ++
- Lord Daniel Brennan KC (1967) (KC-1985) ++
- Christopher Brown (2002) (Ireland 2018)
- Joanna Buckley (2011)
- Michelle Butler (2007) (Solicitor (New South Wales) 2002)
- Chris Buttler KC (2004) (KC-2021)
- Prof Christine Chinkin (2003)++
- Prof Andrew Choo (2002)
- Ayesha Christie (2014)
- Prof Andrew Clapham ++
- Rosalind Comyn (2021)
- Kate Cook (1990)
- Edward Craven (2007)
- Lucinda Cunningham (2019)
- Claire Darwin KC (2005) (Ireland 2018) (KC-2023)
- Anita Davies (2011)
- Raj Desai (2010) (Solicitor 2007)
- Prof. David Erdos ++
- Catrin Evans KC (1994) (KC-2016)
- Emma Foubister (2016)
- Danny Friedman KC (1996) (KC-2013) (Northern Ireland 2001)
- Prof Conor Gearty KC (Hon) (1995) (KC-2021)
- Nicholas Gibson (2009) (Ireland 2020) (Solicitor 2004)
- Tom Gillie (2013)
- Jonathan Glasson KC (1996) (KC-2013)
- Luis González García ++ (Qualified in Mexico, Qualified with the Bar Council as a Foreign Lawyer)
- Mark Greaves (2016)
- Sarah Hannett KC (2003) (KC-2021)
- Ian Helme (2005)
- Richard Hermer KC (1993) (KC-2009)
- Nichola Higgins (2005)
- Jamas Hodivala KC (1998) (KC-2020)
- Sir Anthony Hooper (1965) (KC-1987) ++
- Anthony Hudson KC (1996) (KC-2015)
- Murray Hunt ++
- Raza Husain KC (1993) (KC-2010)
- Darryl Hutcheon (2014)
- Florence Iveson (2012)
- Tamara Jaber (2013)
- Tim James-Matthews (2018)
- Jessica Jones (2013)
- Mariyam Kamil (2021)
- Phillippa Kaufmann KC (1991) (KC-2011)
- Edward Kemp (2005)
- Janet Kentridge (1999)
- Thomas Kibling (1990)
- Samantha Knights KC (1996) (KC-2018)
- James Laddie KC (1995) (KC-2012)
- Helen Law (2005)
- Zoë Leventhal KC (2002) (KC-2022)
- Lord Ken Macdonald KC (1978) (KC-1997) ++
- Sara Mansoori KC (1997) (KC-2022)
- Prof Jonathan Marks (1992)++
- Anirudh Mathur (2017)
- Zoe McCallum (2016)
- Gavin Millar KC (1981) (KC-2000) (Northern Ireland-2010)
- Eleanor Mitchell (2015)
- Eleni Mitrophanous KC (1999) (KC-2020)
- Karon Monaghan KC (1989) (KC-2008)
- Clare Montgomery KC (1980) (KC-1996) (Northern Ireland 2001)
- Prof Gillian Morris (1997)
- Helen Mountfield KC (1991) (KC- 2010)
- Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC (2005) (Northern Ireland-2013) (Ireland-2017) (KC-2023)
- Jesse Nicholls (2010)
- Ifeanyi Odogwu (2011)
- Aidan O’Neill KC (1996) (Scotland 1987) (KC-1999 Scotland) (KC-2017 England and Wales)
- Tim Owen KC (1983) (KC-2000)
- Raj Parker (1983) (Solicitor 1988) (Solicitor Advocate 1994) ++
- Vedrana Pehar (2008)
- Laura Prince KC (2003) (KC-2023)
- Mathew Purchase KC (2002) (KC-2021)
- Nicholas Randall KC (1990) (KC-2013) ++
- Nathan Roberts (2014)
- James Robottom (2009)
- Matthew Ryder KC (1992) (KC-2010) ++
- Sarah Sackman (2008)
- Katy Sheridan (2020)
- Ben Silverstone (2009)
- Jessica Simor KC (1992) (KC-2013)
- Kirsten Sjøvoll (2012)
- Paul Skinner (2010)
- Lorna Skinner KC (1997) (KC-2021)
- Andrew Smith (2008)
- Hugh Southey KC (1996) (KC-2010) (Northern Ireland-2010)
- Dan Squires KC (1998) (KC-2016)
- James Stansfeld (2008)
- Robbie Stern (2017)
- Mark Summers KC (1996) (KC-2014)
- Roisin Swords-Kieley (2019)
- Rhodri Thompson KC (1989) (KC-2002)
- Hugh Tomlinson KC (1983) (KC-2002)
- Prof Takis Tridimas (2000)
- Guy Vassall-Adams KC (2000) (KC-2016)
- Adrian Waterman KC (1988) KC-2006)
- Antony White KC (1983) (Northern Ireland 2016) (KC-2001)
- Richard Whittam KC (1983) (KC-2008)
- Aidan Wills (2015)
- David Wolfe KC (1992) (KC-2012)
Ranked Offices
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- Web: www.matrixlaw.co.uk
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Matrix Chambers rankings