Firm Profile

MDR Advogados

Global Guide 2025

Ranked departments
Ranked lawyers

MDR Advogados

MDR Advogados

Contact number

+258 21 34 40 00

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Provided by MDR Advogados

Managing Partner: Tiago Arouca Mendes

Number of partners: 2

Number of lawyers:12

Languages: Chinese, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

Firm Overview:

MDR Advogados offers a global service that meets clients’ needs domestically and internationally for both standard legal advice and support for strategic projects. Its lawyers boast extensive experience with supporting foreign investment in its diverse aspects, including banking and finance, regulation, commercial and company law and project finance.

At a time when Mozambique offers enormous potential for growth, MDR Advogados stands out in the Mozambican market for the excellence of its legal services, its ability to meet tight deadlines, total dedication to its clients and links with international networks.

Practice Areas

Administrative & Public Procurement

Banking & Finance

Capital Markets

Construction, Public Works, Projects & Infrastructures

Corporate & Commercial

Foreign Investment


Intellectual Property

IT & Telecommunications

Labour & Social Security

Litigation & Arbitration

Mining & Extractive Industry

Notary & Public Records

Oil & Gas

Project Finance

Public-Private Partnerships

Real Estate


Main Areas of Practice:

The firm provides legal advice to both national and international clients in a diversified range of areas.

Some relevant experience:

■ Analysis and negotiation of finance and development contracts involving legal solutions for public-private partnerships

■ Dealing with cases in the mining, oil and natural gas exploitation legal fields

■ Acting in financial transactions that involve companies and assets, including creating special purpose vehicles (SPV) and structured guarantees

■ Consultations in the diverse areas of employment and social security law

■ Negotiation processes that aim to create foreign companies under private investment regimes

■ Preparation of legal instruments for the constitution and internal organisation of companies, legal structure for business activity, corporate and shareholder agreements

■ Drafting of legal opinions on commercial law and company formation, organisation and financing

■ Drafting of legal opinions and analysis for cases involving land use planning, coastal management planning and building and land registration

■ Legal advice specialising in tax law with an emphasis on corporate restructuring and structured financing transactions

■ The firm provides legal advice in the area of contracts and the management of intellectual and industrial rights

■ Relevant experience in arbitration in various sectors of the economy


MDR Advogados, is the exclusive member firm of the network Morais Leitão Legal Circle for Mozambique. This network was created by Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados (Morais Leitão), a leading Portuguese law firm, to address the needs of its clients throughout the world, particularly in Portuguese-speaking countries. It is an international network based upon the sharing of values and common principles of action with the purpose of delivering high quality legal services to clients around the globe, to guarantee support to investors in these jurisdictions and to help them understand these diverse business and legal environments that have specific practices and standards.

It encompasses a select set of jurisdictions, including Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Mozambique.

International Work:

By its association with Morais Leitão, the firm also benefits from being a member law firm with the associated office in Mozambique of Lex Mundi, the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in over 100 countries worldwide.

International Offices:

Cape Verde, Angola, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Portugal (in association with leading local firms).

Ranked Offices

Provided by MDR Advogados

Mozambique - Head office

MDR Advogados rankings

Global Guide 2025
General Business Law
1 Department
2 Ranked Lawyers
General Business Law
General Business Law
Band 2
Paula Duarte Rocha
Paula Duarte Rocha
Band 1
Tiago Arouca Mendes
Tiago Arouca Mendes
Up and Coming