Zambelli & Partners
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The Firm:
The Firm has extensive experience in employment law, industrial relations and related litigation, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the legislative and regulatory system governing employment relationships.
The Team Zambelli & Partners is made up of professionals with proven in-court experience and an in-depth knowledge of the complex and articulated Italian legislation, also in the context of European Union law.
As a consultant of industrial, financial and commercial companies and corporate groups, the Firm offers ongoing assistance to clients in matters relating to Employment Law, Trade Union Law and Industrial Relations, providing its clients with strategic advice, assisting them in the day-to-day management and solving of any labour disputes.
The Team has successfully addressed many legal disputes relating to all labour law issues and has managed numerous reorganisations of companies in the engineering and steel, chemical and pharmaceutical, petrochemical and publishing sectors, as well as finance and credit.
The Firm also assists top managers in the stages of contractualisation and termination of employment, including any resulting litigation.
Main Areas of Practice:
The firm’s professional activity focuses on all matters relating to labour law, trade union law and industrial relations.
The firm is active both on Labour advisory and Labour litigation areas.
Advisory work includes:
- the planning and implementation of restructuring and downsizing plans of either domestic companies or Italian subsidiaries of international Groups (this includes collective redundancies and relocations, the recourse to social shock absorbers, transfer of undertaking, etc.);
- unions law and the management of the relationships with the unions, in particular where a consultancy procedure is to be triggered according to Italian law or the provisions under the applicable national collective bargaining agreement (for example, in case of transfer of a business and other corporate transactions, collective relocations, bargaining of company level collective agreements, etc.);
- strategical advice on HR issues in pre-contentious environment.
The firm is the exclusive Italian member of the international network L&E Global, the worldwide leader for cross-border labour and employment law services, spanning 6 continents, in order to provide comprehensive employment law services to clients ranging from large, multinational corporations to entrepreneurial and emerging companies seeking to enter international markets.
Labour litigation work covers strategic employment disputes relating to day-to-day commercial issues as well as matters arising from mergers and takeovers.
Contentious mandates related to sex, race and age discrimination are considered relevant as are class action suits.
The practice also covers mass redundancies and contentious employment issues related to the merger of two companies. Firms may represent both institutions and individuals.
Relevant activities include:
- assistance to companies in disputes brought by employees especially for claims concerning individual and collective dismissals, fix term contracts, principal’s liability in cases relevant to service contracts, donning and doffing working time;
- litigation relevant to the interpretation and/or application of collective bargaining agreements;
- assistance to companies in trade unions law disputes;
- litigation for/against top managers, managing directors, general managers, members of the board, etc;
The Team:
The Team is renowned for its extensive experience in labour litigation throughout Italy at all stages of court proceedings, including the Supreme Court.
Angelo Zambelli, Founding and Managing Partner
Angelo Zambelli, Founding and Managing Partner of the Firm, is a leading expert in employment law, labour law and industrial relations, as well as in all related labour disputes. He has in-depth experience in the planning and concrete implementation of extraordinary finance operations and restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans of companies belonging to national and international groups.
He works closely with the client, assisting it in the complex activities of managing labour relations and often representing it at the negotiating table.
The team led by Angelo Zambelli is renowned for its extensive experience in labour litigation throughout Italy at all stages of court proceedings, including the Supreme Court.
Barbara Grasselli, Founding Partner
She has a significant experience in employment law and industrial relations. She advises domestic and foreign clients in implementing and managing personnel restructuring plans, in dealing with business crisis situations as well as in procedures involving the relocation of business. She assists clients in labour-law issues over both the pre-litigation and the litigation stage. She has a wide experience in agency relationships, thus assisting clients in drafting agency contracts as well as in managing the relevant litigation. She is also a member of AGI (Italian Employment Lawyers Association), AIDP (Italian Association for Personnel Management) and EELA (European Employment Lawyers Association).
Alberto Testi, Founding Partner
He has significant experience in the handling of disputes and out-of-court settlements, with particular regard to executive employment relationships, the implementation of company transfers procedures and the planning and implementation of restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans for companies belonging to national and international groups.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Zambelli & Partners
- MilanVia San Damiano 9, Milan, Lombardy, Italy, 20122 MI
- Web: www.zambellipartners.com
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2 items provided by Zambelli & Partners
On 4 September 2024, the Italian Council of Ministers definitively approved the draft legislative decree no. 136/2024 (the so-called “Correttivo-ter”) amending the Code for Business Crisis and Insolvency (legislative decree no. 14/2019).
The United Sections of the Italian Supreme Court, with interlocutory decision no. 23874 of 5 September 2024, requested the intervention of the Constitutional Court on the legitimacy of Article 6, Law 604/1966
On 4 September 2024, the Italian Council of Ministers definitively approved the draft legislative decree no. 136/2024 (the so-called “Correttivo-ter”) amending the Code for Business Crisis and Insolvency (legislative decree no. 14/2019).
The United Sections of the Italian Supreme Court, with interlocutory decision no. 23874 of 5 September 2024, requested the intervention of the Constitutional Court on the legitimacy of Article 6, Law 604/1966