Chairman: Mr. Fernando Zunzunegui
Number of lawyers: 7
Languages: English, Spanish
Firm Overview:
Zunzunegui Abogados is one of the most prestigious independent law firms in the Spanish market, mainly focused in financial regulation and banking law. The firm has been providing legal services on financial services regulation for more than 25 years, including dispute resolution, fintech, bankruptcy, regulatory compliance, and consulting services. It is headed by Fernando Zunzunegui, who has more than 25 years’ experience in regulatory and financial counselling to financial institutions, government entities, and investors. He is also member of the Advisory Committee of the European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries (FECIF), legal Advisor on financial regulatory matters for the European Financial Planning Association (EFPA), and President of Finsalud Foundation.
The litigation practice is headed by Miguel Cebrián, and the financial consulting and bankruptcy area is headed by Paloma Corbal.
Main Areas of Practice:
■ Financial Services Regulation
■ Banking & Finance
■ Litigation
■ Fintech
■ Corporate Governance
■ Sustainable Finance
■ Bankruptcy
■ Regulatory Compliance
■ Consulting Services
The firm represents and advises companies and individuals, national and foreign, from the public and private spheres including private companies, public bodies, government agencies, financial institutions and investment firms. Its work is characterized by its excellence, leadership and commitment.
■ Fernando Zunzunegui, Chairman
■ Miguel Cebrián, Head of the Litigation practice
Tel: +34 917814062
Email: [email protected]
■ Paloma Corbal, Head of Consulting Services
Tel: +34 917814062
Email: [email protected]
Articles & Press Releases:
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “How to find a way out of Sandbox trap: The Spanish case”, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, July 2021.
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “Spain's Implementation of PSD2”, PSD2 Commentary, Ed. Edward Elgar Publishing, December 2021
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “The Credit Debt Moratorium by COVID-19 as a Minimum Measure”, April 2020. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract= 3578555
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “Systematic and Conceptual Framework for Crowdfunding Regulation”, August 2019. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract= 3444868
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “Mortgage Credit”, Study requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), June 2018. Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/ RegData/etudes/STUD/2018/618995/IPOL_ STU(2018)618995_EN.pdf
■ ZUNZUNEGUI, F.: “Digitalisation of Payment Services”, Ibero-American Institute for Law and Finance Working Paper No. 5/2018, October 2018. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract= 3256281
Ranked Offices
Provided by Zunzunegui Abogados
- MadridCalle Jorge Juan 45, 1º, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 28001
- Web: www.zunzunegui.net
- Tel: +34 917814062
- Fax: +34 917814064
- View ranked office
Zunzunegui Abogados rankings