UK Bar
Practice Areas
The Law of the European Union and its interface with Public International Law, particularly in the field of investment arbitration. More recent EU practice focused on the legal implications of Brexit, notably the Withdrawal Agreement, the Northern Ireland Protocol and the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
Called to the Bar 1969, entered private practice in 1997. Bencher, Inner Temple 2002. Appointed KC 2010. Professor of European Law, Cambridge (1995-2009), now Emeritus. Hands-on experience of EU legislation and litigation as Director in the Legal Service of the Council of the EU (1987-1994). Appointed CBE in 2004 and KCMG in 2013.
Previously, Editor, Common Market Law Review and European Law Review (ELRev). Co-author, Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law (6th ed). Contributor to the Bar European Group's Practitioners' Handbook of EC Law. Numerous articles in legal journals. Recent publications: “The Withdrawal Agreement: Common Provisions, Governance and Dispute Settlement (2020) ELRev 183-193; “Article 26 ECT and intra-EU Disputes – The Case against an Expansive Reading of Achmea” (2021) ELRev 415-434; Moldova v Komstroy: Arbitration under Article 26 ECT outlawed in intra_EU Disputes by Obiter Dictum, (2022) ELRev 127-140.