UK Bar
Construction - London (Bar)
Alexandra Bodnar is an impressive junior who is increasingly being instructed as sole counsel in highly complex construction disputes. She offers expertise across litigation, arbitration and adjudication proceedings, and regularly appears in the TCC. She offers particular expertise in insurance issues pertaining to construction projects.
"Alexandra Bodnar is able to get to the nub of the dispute very quickly and can explain it in simple terms to lay clients."
"She never does anything other than astonish. Her clarity of thought and ability to convey complex issues to clients are extraordinary."
Construction: Professional Negligence - All Circuits
Alexandra Bodnar is known for her work in both litigation and arbitration within construction law. She has experience in representing contractors, architects and engineers in professional negligence cases, both domestically and internationally.
"She is a very knowledgeable and intelligent person with a good grounding on construction issues. Alexandra is incredibly approachable compared to other barristers and her advice is easily digested."