Chambers Review
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Band 3
Provided by Anders Stenbrenden
Employment Law, Data Protection Law, Pension Law.
Main working area is employment law, data protection law and pension law. Extensive experience in counseling and litigation in all aspects of the individual and collective labour law. Advises employers and employers' organizations on a wide range of labour law issues, including employment contracts, incentive schemes, downsizing, transfer of undertakings, hiring-in, posting and collective agreements. Advices clients on data protection law, such as how to establish and maintain a internal control system, employer’s right to examine an employee’s email box, control measures etc, and on various questions regarding pension law. Broad employment law litigation experience.
2016 - Partner, CMS Kluge Advokatfirma AS (prev. Kluge Advokatfirma AS)
2014 - 2016 Associate partner, Kluge Advokatfirma AS
2010 - 2014 Attorney, NHO, Employment Law Division
2012 - 2013 Acting District Court Judge, Oslo District Court (4 months)
2008 - 2010 Attorney, Group Legal Department at Nordea
2004 - 2008 Deputy Judge, Sør-Østerdal District Court and Oslo District Court
2003 - 2004 Associate, Kvale & Co
2021 Karnov, kommentarer til statsansatteloven (publication date in 2021)
Stenbrenden is preparing comments for the Civil Service Act i collaboration with three other authors.
2014 Aldersgrenser og aldersdiskriminering [Age limits and age discrimination] Arbeidsrett VOL XI no. 1, 2014, p. 139, Universitetsforlaget.
2004 Arbeidsbok i Menneskerettigheter [Handbook in human rights] Njål Høstmælingen, Robert Lund, Anders Stenbrenden, Ken Uggerud, Cappelen Akademiske Forlag.
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Provided by Chambers