Andrew White
UK Guide 2025
Provided by Andrew White
Practice Areas
Andrew manages international portfolios in the medtech, software, telecoms and automotive fields, in particular relating to electric vehicle technologies. He is an expert in the deep tech field, advising clients on the patentability of deep tech inventions (in fields such as bioinformatics, artificial intelligence and blockchain inventions) and how to successfully navigate the patentability exceptions in these areas, both in Europe and abroad, to obtain patents of commercially valuable scope, as well as advising on numerous other issues specific to deep tech businesses. Andrew has experience handling oppositions and appeals at the EPO, and in obtaining opinions from the UKIPO.
His background in the interface between physics and consumer healthcare means Andrew has a particular interest and expertise in medical device technologies. His PhD had a commercial focus, sponsored by a major pharmaceutical company resulting in a number of scientific publications in highly-regarded peer-reviewed journals and Andrew’s attendance at numerous international conferences.
Professional Memberships
Andrew is a member of the CIPA and of the EPI. He is also a member of CIPA’s Education and Professional Standards Committee.
Andrew is a member of the North East Automotive Alliance.
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