Practice Areas
Injunctions and Crisis Management
Corporate and Commercial Litigation
Real Property Litigation
Professional Liability and Regulation
Tort and Negligence Matters
Appeals and Opinions
Work Highlights
-Counsel for the successful plaintiff in a multi-action, lengthy hybrid trial. RN LLP’s client succeeded in actions for malicious prosecution and abuse of process, and was awarded $425,000 in substantial indemnity costs (Konstan et al. v. Berkovits et al., 2023 ONSC 497, 2023 ONSC 1214 and 2023 ONSC 3052)
-Defended a privately held corporation in a multi-million dollar real property development contractual dispute, at trial and on appeal (Fram Elgin Mills 90 Inc. v. Romandale Farms Limited et al., 2019 ONSC 5322, 2020 ONSC 1621, and 2021 ONCA 201);
-Acted for corporate and individual respondents in a complex application arising from an alleged multi-property joint venture;
-Defended a public company in litigation commenced pursuant to the Repair and Storage Liens Act, over a fleet of vehicles;
-Acting for the plaintiff, a closely-held family business in food manufacturing, in an action for breach of confidence and breach of contract, including seeking interlocutory and permanent injunctive relief;
-Acting for a national auto dealer group in a contractual dispute;
-Successful in obtaining an urgent, ex parte CPL to secure a claim for breach of an assignment agreement for a residential property, involving allegations of fraud;
-Successfully resisted an urgent CPL motion (Riddell v. Huynh, 2022 ONSC 2153);
-Represented an industry association in the energy sector as the intervenor at the Ontario Court of Appeal in a case involving the application of good faith to rights-of-first-refusal in the context of a bundled sale of assets;
-Successful defence of a national franchisor in an expedited domestic arbitration brought by a terminated franchisee seeking permanent injunctive relief;
-Successful partial summary judgment motion on behalf of the defendant clinic (Rush v. De Ruiter, 2018 ONSC 1210);
-Successful response to an appeal to the HPARB on behalf of the respondent physician (D.G.E. v A.O.A., 2017 CanLII69303 (ON HPARB)).