Carolina Cueva is a lawyer in the Compliance area of CMS Grau and is a specialist in the prevention and management of risks related to corruption, both in the public and private sectors, as well as activities involving money laundering risks. In that line, she has developed a wide experience advising companies in the mining, hydrocarbons, construction and infrastructure, real estate, among other industries, in the identification and management of their risks, through the design and implementation of their crime prevention models, in order to align organizations to Peruvian regulations, as well as to the ISO 37001:2016 standard, providing a legal approach, as well as management systems.
Carolina is a criminal lawyer with extensive experience in litigation related to white-collar and has specialized in various standards related to high-level structures: ISO 31000, ISO 19600, UNE 19601, ISO 37001, among others, and specializations in internal control.