Practice Areas
Celine van Zeebroeck is a special legal consultant based in Washington DC whose practice focuses on advising clients doing business or operating in Algeria and Tunisia.
Through 25 years of collaboration with Algerian colleagues, she has gained a deep knowledge of Algerian laws and a thorough understanding of the legal environment enabling her to successfully guide clients through the complexities of the Algerian legal landscape and coordinate the work of the local team.
Her extensive experience at global law firms in Brussels and the United States allows her to anticipate and address the specific needs of international clients with practical, focused solutions.
With Lamine Tabet (Algiers) and Zied Gallala (Tunis), she recently founded Africa Lexius Alliance, a selective legal network, to offer high-quality services (directly or in collaboration with international law firms) to international clients doing business with, investing in, or reorganizing in those jurisdictions.
She represents many global corporations including energy companies, drilling and mining contractors, rail, automotive, defense and telecommunication/ICT companies, industrial manufacturers, banks, and pharmaceutical laboratories.
Her expertise includes corporate transactions, commercial contracts, public procurement, tax, regulatory, employment, etc.