UK Bar
Practice Areas
Well-known specialist, advising on/drafting a wide range of complex financial services/regulatory related matters for UK & overseas clients and foreign governments. Also company/commercial drafting. Sits as an arbitrator in financial disputes and commercial matters. Notable cases: Needler Financial Services v Taber (pensions review test case); Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency v Dresdner Bank (equitable set-o f against sovereign bank account); Eurosure Investment Services v FSA (whether exercise of FSA's own-initiative power 'proportionate'); FSA v Pace Microtechnology (breach of listing rules), FSA v Evolution Beeson Gregory (first market manipulation case); FSA v Anderson, Peacock & Pruthi (deposit-taking/collective investment scheme - £115m involved); R (Ya land & Wilding) v. Sec. State for Exiting EU (whether Parliamentary consent necessary for UK to leave EEA).
Called 1987. Legal adviser at HM Treasury dealing with wide range of financial services issues/related areas (inter alia drafting legislation, negotiating and implementing EU directives). 1996: Returned to the Bar.
Professional Memberships
Chancery Bar Association; COMBAR; Financial Services Lawyers Association; Chartered Arbitrator (CIArb); French Bar (Paris); Energy Arbitration Club; Franco-British Lawyers Association. Energy Arbitration Club; Franco-British Lawyers Association.
Author of articles/chapters on financial services topics; lectures on financial services to universities, solicitors, conferences.
MA (Oxon), MA Law (City, Lond), Dip European Law (Kings, Lond).