Practice Areas
Claire has expertise in all areas of white collar crime. She represents individuals in criminal, regulatory and internal investigations, particularly in the field of financial services where her previous experience as a senior lawyer at the FCA has provided her with an invaluable insight into the regulator’s processes and procedures.
Claire has successfully advised both suspects and witnesses in proceedings involving bribery, insider dealing, misleading statements and impressions, market abuse, conspiracy to defraud, and breaches of various regulatory regimes such as the SMCR, APER Principles for individuals, MAR and Money Laundering Regulations.
She also has extensive experience in international legal matters including multi-jurisdictional investigations (especially those involving UK/US), foreign regulatory and criminal cases, obtaining evidence from abroad and mutual legal assistance.
Claire was called to the Bar in 2000 where she maintained a defence practice for a number of years. Prior to joining Corker Binning Claire worked for a number of prosecutorial agencies including the Inland Revenue, SOCA, RCPO, CMA and spent over 8 years in the FCA Enforcement Division.