Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1



17 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Ernesto Tzirulnik

Brazil: Industries & Sectors

Practice Areas

Insurance & Reinsurance


Ernesto Tzirulnik has been practicing Insurance Law since 1981. He graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and holds a PhD in Financial and Economic Law from University of São Paulo. After heading the legal department of a Brazilian large risks insurer, in 1984 he founded Ernesto Tzirulnik Advocacia – ETAD, internationally recognized as one of the most important law firms specializing in insurance and reinsurance. In 2000, Tzirulnik founded the Brazilian Institute of Insurance Law – IBDS, a non-governmental organization which he presides. He also coordinated the law commission that prepared the first bill on insurance contracts in Brazilian history (PLC 29/2017). Since 2009, after decades acting mostly on behalf of insurers and reinsurers, his legal practice shifted to representing policyholders, and insurers or reinsurers only if in conflict among themselves. Tzirulnik has written numerous legal essays, including the first Brazilian book on loss adjustment, Regulação de sinistro (ensaio jurídico), and commentaries to the Brazilian Civil Code chapter on insurance contracts. Since 2022, he presides the Special Committee on Insurance and Reinsurance of the Brazilian Bar Association – Sao Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP)


Latest contributions provided by Ernesto Tzirulnik

Global Practice Guide
Ernesto Tzirulnik
Luca Giannotti
Inaê Siqueira de Oliveira
Authored by
Ernesto Tzirulnik, Luca Giannotti, Inaê Siqueira de Oliveira
Article • Jan 2024

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Ernesto Tzirulnik
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Band 1
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