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Provided by Fanny Gleiss Wilborg


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Fanny Gleiss Wilborg is an independent arbitrator and mediator in Stockholm, Sweden. She serves as sole, presiding and party-nominated arbitrator in Swedish and international commercial disputes. Fanny has a vast experience in arbitrating numerous cases across different business sectors such as construction, IT, insurance and corporate. Fanny handles both ad hoc and institutional arbitrations under

different arbitral rules (SCC, ICC, DIS). Before founding the Law Firm Lundberg & Gleiss in 2017, and then the Law Firm Fanny Gleiss in 2023, Fanny was a senior judge and Head of Division at a District Court in Stockholm, deciding commercial disputes and also Head of unit of business/operational development at the Swedish National Courts Administration. Prior to becoming a judge, Fanny worked as a dispute resolution lawyer at Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå. Fanny is also an often appointed as a teacher, and she regularly lectures on arbitration and litigation. She is one of the authors of the book “Tvistemålsprocessen I and II”, on procedural law in civil cases.


Advokatfirman Fanny Gleiss AB, 2023-

Partner, Advokatfirman Lundberg & Gleiss KB, 2017-2023

Senior Judge and Head of Division (Sw. chefsrådman), Södertörns District Court, 2014-2017

Head of unit of business/operational development, Swedish National Courts Administration (Sw. enhetschef för verksamhetsutveckling, Domstolsverket), 2013-2014

Judge (Sw. rådman), Stockholm and Nacka District Court, 2008-2014

Legal counsel, SJ AB, 2007-2008

Associate, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå, Stockholm, 2001-2007

Junior Judge (Sw. tingsnotarie, hovrättsfiskal and tingsfiskal), Handen and Huddinge District Courts and Svea Court of Appeal, 1997-2001

Professional Memberships

Swedish Bar Association

Member of the Swedish Arbitration Association

Member of the Board of TiD (Dispute Resolution in Court)


Brolin, Rehnström, Widebeck, Gleiss Wilborg, Tvistemålsprocessen I, En handledning för förberedelsen

(Procedural law in civil cases), Wolters Kluwer 2016

Brolin, Rehnström, Widebeck, Gleiss Wilborg, Tvistemålsprocessen II, En handledning för huvud-

förhandlingen (Procedural law and the hearing in civil cases), Wolters Kluwer 2016

Juridisk Tidskrift (JT) no. 4 2022–23, Recension av boken Tvistfinansiering (Review of the book Third

party funding)

Industry Sector Expertise

General Contract Law

Construction and Real Estate


IT-related disputes

Languages Spoken

Swedish, English, some German


Stockholm University, Sweden


1991 - 1996

University of Freiburg i. Br., Germany

Economics and law

1994 - 1995

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Chambers Global Guide

Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators - Sweden

Band 1
Individual Editorial
Fanny Gleiss Wilborg of Advokatfirman Fanny Gleiss is highly regarded in the Swedish market for her skills acting as arbitrator in a variety of disputes.

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Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators

Fanny Gleiss Wilborg
Fanny Gleiss Wilborg
Band 1