Fernando has 29 years of experience in Dispute Resolution, Bankruptcy, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation. He is admitted to practice in New York and in the federal courts of the 2nd Circuit of the United States. He is a mediator before the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District, as well as a conciliator and trustee before the Federal Institute of Specialists in Commercial Insolvency. Since 1998 he has been a managing partner of the Dispute Resolution area. He has experience as counsel in 25 international commercial arbitrations and 4 investment arbitrations.
Fernando holds a law degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and an LLM from Cornell Law School, USA.
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Enforcement of Foreign Judgements.Law Business Research. Getting The Deal Through. 2016. United Kingdom.
Enforcement of Foreign Judgements.The International Comparative Legal Guide. Global Legal Group. 2016. United Kingdom.
Obtaining Judicial Assistance From Courts in Mexico.Thomson Reuters Practical Law Publications. November, 2014. United Kingdom.
Trends & Developments in Mexico.Chambers & Partners. Chambers Legal Practice Guides. 2014. United Kingdom.
El Alien Tort Statute: El imperialismo jurídico de los valores occidentales. Revista de la Facultad de Derecho, UNAM, Tomo LXII, Número 260, Julio-Diciembre 2013, México, D.F.