Work Highlights
Raja (2024).
FND after a minor soft tissue injury Ā£450,000
Re McK
Case where girl developed FND symptoms after RTA which were diagnosed later Ā£416k
Boiko 2024
C developed SSD after being struck by a falling tool. He developed unusual functional symtptoms of sweating and great thirst referable to the accident Ā£250,000
Re S(2024)
Case where C developed FND after being struck by a parasol on holiday. She developed FND which was resistant to Treatment Ā£650,000
Re Wallbank (2024)
Above knee amputation of a 67 year old man ā Ā£2,000,000
Hunt v Eltham Line Ltd (2024)
FND case after a slipping incident Ā£300,000
Butler v Hayward (2022)
Allergic reaction to a steroid administered by a GP leading to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Ā£1.2m
RE Johnson (2022)
Soft tissue injuries in a RTA leading to FND. Ā£1.2m
AB v DS (2022)
Massive head injuries in RTA leading to an exacerbation of pre existing learning difficulties and FND Ā£5.8m (approved)
PK v NFU (2023)
Multi sited orthopaedic, traumatic brain, vascular and psychiatric injuries. Ā£2.25m + PDās
Tan v Hussain (2023)
Minor rear end shunt in RTA that led to FND and no useful function in the right dominant arm. Ā£1,066,000
O v R (2020)
T12 fracture sustained in RTA. She developed CPS, FND and PTSD. Ā£2,500,000
Todd v Newcastle Theatre (2021)
Initial soft tissue injuries to arm progressed to CRPS and FND and she lost the use of her arm and subsequently leg and back pains. Ā£2,264,884.
KXY v T (2021)
Catastrophic brain injury leading to cognitive difficulties, disinhibition, confusion, perseveration, impulsiveness and fatigue. Ā£1,050,000 approved.
W v MoD (2017)
C suffered spinal injuries in RTA when not wearing a seatbelt. She was subsequently operated on negligently resulting in significant disability. Ā£3,582,987.50
Dabell v DES (2017)
Minor Lisfranc fracture that developed into CRPS Ā£1,500,000
Hartley v SR (2018)
Claim against solicitor who settled a Fibromyalgia case before obtaining rheumatological evidence Ā£330,000
MacDonald v Surya Hotels (Ā£4 million settlement for sufferer of CRPS which developed after a sprained ankle)
T.J. Williams v Town and City Pub Group Limited Lawtel 2015 (Ā£430,328 neuropathic pain)
Large v Norfolk CC Lawtel 2012 (Ā£2.3m Fibromyalgia)
Edwards v Salford Primary Healthcare Trust Lawtel 2012 (CRPS Ā£1,000,000),
Beard v Skanska Lawtel 2012 (CPS Ā£345,000)
Casey v Ali [2012] EWCA Civ 1502 (RTA Court of Appeal)
Ellen Baker V Caroline Sumner (2010) Lawtel (Fibromyalgia, Total Damages Ā£120,247)
Rahima Siddique V Bvba Rimotrans (2010) Lawtel (Fibromyalgia, Total Damages Ā£350,000)
Chapman v Moulton [2011] Lawtel, (Fibromyalgia, Total Damages Ā£595,000)
Jennifer Kolodziejcak V (1) Escolme (2) The Livesy Group [2007] Lawtel, (Fibromyalgia, Total Damages Ā£137,500)
Bennett v Smith (2003) LTL 11/3/2003 (At first instance and on appeal before Smith J Andrew) (Fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndromes)
Jennings v Forestry Commission [2008] EWCA Civ 581 (Accidents; assumption of responsibility; Contract of employment/for services; work equipment Court of Appeal)
Thorpe v Weightman [2000] CLY 416 (QBD) (local authority liability; road traffic obstructions)
White v Eon (Court of Appeal) November 2008 (Limitation)