Partner, Head of Personal Law, Family Law Solicitor, Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer
February 1992 - Present
Georgie specialises in dispute resolution alternate to court, working as a mediator and collaborative solicitor. The bulk of her case load deals with resolution through negotiation and round table work. Georgie operates a litigation case load but only in the very few cases where this is a necessary way of dealing with the needs of the case. Georgie applies a strict cost-benefit analysis on her cases so that clients are genuinely in a position to value the outcome achieved by the end of the matter.
Recent work includes
- Ongoing round table negotiation of cases with business assets from £1m – £35m where prescriptive requirements are needed
- Collaborative cases requiring a layered approach
- Informal round table approach requiring a layered approach
- Mediation in financial cases
- Cases involving children disputes where there has been litigation previously for a number of years and which have been converted by Georgie into a multi-disciplinary approach to seek to change the unsuccessful pattern of recurring behaviour between parents
- Complex pension cases involving the consideration of immediate versus deferred pension sharing orders, particularly with Police and force’s pensions
- Resolution of financial cases which need to be issues-led to the parties’ needs
- Cases where emotions run high
- Resolution of cases where nothing else is working.