Chambers Review
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Band 2
Provided by Gergely Légrádi
• Gergely specializes in regulated industries (especially energy, energy efficiency, renewables, hydrocarbon exploration and production, waste management, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, transport, e-mobility and automobile industry).
• His clients are mainly companies active in the energy market (such as electricity, renewables, natural gas, district heating), as well as energy consultants, mining entrepreneurs and other players in the industrial sector.
• Gergely’s experience in working enables him to provide legal advice in additional regulated industries, particularly in the field of healthcare sector, transport, e-mobility, water & utilities and automotive industry.
• Over the past decades, he has numerous times participated in legislative works, thus performing significant public law tasks in the field of regulated industries.
• In addition to the knowledge of the relevant public law regulation, an in-depth knowledge of contract law is crucial for the development of appropriate constructions and the negotiation of contracts based on industry specificities, therefore, Gergely pays particular attention to in-depth knowledge of the relevant areas of civil law.
• Since 2002, he has been a lecturer in the field of contract law and succession law at the Department of Civil Law in Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law.
• Since 2009, he has been the member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration for Energy and since 2018, he has been the listed arbitrator of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
• Co-author of the book „The operation and regulation of the Hungarian natural gas sector II” (2022) (in Hungarian: „A magyar földgázszektor működése és szabályozása II.) []
• Co-author of the book „The operation and regulation of the Hungarian electricity sector II” (2022) (in Hungarian: „A magyar villamosenergia-szektor működése és szabályozása II.”)
• Co-author of the book „The operation and regulation of the Hungarian natural gas sector I” (2014) (in Hungarian: „A magyar földgázszektor működése és szabályozása I.)
• Dispositivity in our law of obligations – a neglected topic in the crossfire of practice – Hungarian Law No. 2 of 2011 (in Hungarian: „Diszpozitivitás a kötelmi jogunkban – egy elhanyagolt témakör a gyakorlat kereszttüzében – Magyar Jog 2011/2. sz.”)
• Suggestive behaviour (incentive damage) in the Civil Code and judicial practice - PJK, No. 4 of 2003 (in Hungarian: “Az utaló magatartás (biztatási kár) a Ptk.-ban és a bírói gyakorlatban – PJK, 2003/4.”)
Provided by Chambers