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Provided by Gustavo Scandelari
Criminal Law / White-Collar Crime, Criminal Procedural Law, and Compliance
Member of Dotti Advogados since 2004. Dedicated to Criminal Law / White-Collar Crime, Criminal Procedural Law, and Compliance.
Professor of Criminal Law at the undergraduate course of Law at UNICURITIBA.
Guest Professor of postgraduate law courses at ABDConst, UNICURITIBA, FAE Business School, and other higher education institutions.
Guest Professor at the postgraduate course in Law Enforcement, Compliance, and Criminal Law at the University of Lisbon (Portugal).
Guest Professor at the postgraduate course in Legal Compliance at FAE Business School, and other institutions.
Founding member of the Brazilian Institute of Economic Criminal Law – IBDPE.
Member of the Brazilian Group of the International Association of Criminal Law – AIDP.
Member of the Institute of Lawyers of Paraná.
Member of the Study Committee on Business Compliance and Anti-Corruption of the Brazilian Bar Association Paraná Section (OAB/PR), 2019-2021.
Member of the Study Committee on Compliance and Business Anti-Corruption of OAB/PR, 2019-2021.
Member of the Compliance Committee of OAB/PR, 2016-2018.
Member of the Criminal Law Committee of OAB/PR, 2010-2012, 2013-2015, and 2016-2018.
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/PR, and OAB/DF).
Author of “O Crime Tributário de Descaminho” (The Tax Crime of Misdirection), published by Editora Lex Magister in 2013.
Author of “Direito e Justiça: Decisões em Destaque — Notas a decisões recentes e inovadoras em Direito Penal e Constitucional” (Law and Justice: Decisions in Highlight — Notes on recent and innovative decisions in Criminal and Constitutional Law), published by Editora Iglu in 2013.
Also authored several published articles and book chapters on criminal law and compliance matters.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers
"Gustavo is an extremely committed professional at all times of the process. He is fantastic, acts with a lot of knowledge and assertiveness. I can only thank him."
"Gustavo Scandelari's knowledge and experience in the area brings me peace of mind."
"Gustavo Scandelari is very attentive to his clients."
"Gustavo is an extremely committed professional at all times of the process. He is fantastic, acts with a lot of knowledge and assertiveness. I can only thank him."
"Gustavo Scandelari's knowledge and experience in the area brings me peace of mind."
"Gustavo Scandelari is very attentive to his clients."