Case highlights: - Case of a claim for nullification of correction of corporate tax to JPY 25.2 billion (Tokyo High Court judgment 2006/03/15) - Case of a claim for a reasonable remuneration for employee’s invention (Blue LED) by Dr. Shuji Nakamura, Nobel prize laureate in Physics 2014. The Tokyo District Court 2004/01/30 ordered company to pay 20 billion as the consideration for transfer of the patent.
Article concerning “Vote-Value Disparity in the Upper House” (Hanrei Jiho 2456-125, 2020/11/11)
Book “Litigation under the Governance Theory of Population Proportional Election Ⅳ” (Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2023/9/30)
Book “Litigation under the Governance Theory of Population Proportional Election Ⅲ” (Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2021/5/3)
Book “Litigation under the Governance Theory of Population Proportional Election Ⅱ” (Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2020/09/30)
Book “Litigation under the Governance Theory of Population Proportional Election” (Nippon Hyoron Sha Co., Ltd., 2020/03/31)
Article “Two Major Issues in the December 19, 2018 Decision of the Supreme Court of Japan Grand Bench” (Hanrei Jiho 2403-130, 2019/06/21)