Practice Areas
Hilary Heilbron KC now focuses on sitting as an international arbitrator. She has been appointed as an arbitrator in over 130 arbitrations, many as Chair, with a range of different applicable laws, seats, institutional rules and subject matters, both ad hoc and under institutional rules and many involving billions of dollars. She brings to this role her prior extensive experience as counsel in commercial cases in which capacity she acted for a wide range of national and international clients, including appearing as leading counsel in the Supreme Court, the House of Lords and the Privy Council.
She is a former member of the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages; the ICCA/IBA Joint Task Force on Data Protection in International Arbitration Proceedings; the LCIA Court; and the ICC UK Arbitration and ADR Committee and remains a member of the ICDR Working Group on Arbitration of Technology and Life Sciences. She speaks regularly to international audiences and writes on the subject. Past prestigious lectures include the keynote lecture at Fordham University School of Law, New York, the annual Clayton Utz lecture in Sydney, Australia, and the Annual Unidroit/University of Roma lecture. She is the author of "A Practical Guide to International Arbitration in London" as well as the biography of her mother "Rose QC": the Remarkable Story of Rose Heilbron: Trailblazer and Legal Icon".