Practice Areas
Isabelle Rein Lescastereyres has been a partner at BWG since 2005. She advises individuals, families and trustees and litigates on all aspects of divorce and family law with a focus on complex financial matters and on international family law.
Isabelle has a Long experience of cross boarder complex situations in matters such as:
International divorce with a pragmatic approach to conflict of jurisdiction and conflict of law., division of assets and complex financial claims, including with reference to dynastic assets and family businesses in France or abroad, international marriage agreements and pre or postnuptial agreements, international custody and relocation, cross border estate/succession, modern international families, enforcement or challenge of foreign decisions and foreign matrimonial status.
She advises expats as well as foreign citizens residing in France on the family and patrimonial implications of their mobility.
Quite apart from her commercial background and qualifications (HEC Business school), Isabelle is also a Resolution mediator, trained in collaborative law and known for her client handling skills. She favors a realistic and constructive approach with a view to maximize early resolution and to protect the children and the parenting relationship.
She works closely with a network of leading lawyers in most jurisdictions through her longstanding involvement in international family law organizations such as the IAFL of which she is past counsel and past Vice President of the European chapter. She is also a member of the UIA and the IBA and expert for the CCBE.
She also enjoys working with other lawyers in different fields of law, notaires, family offices, accountants and such to best support her clients.
Isabelle regularly lectures and comments in France and abroad on family law issues in different reviews, often with an international element. She has co-authored Practical Exercices of International Private Law, published by Lextenso. She is co-editor of Gazette du Palais (family law section), supervises the annual publication of Reflexe Droit de la Famille and is a member of the editorial committee of the Jurisclasseur Divorce.
Professional Memberships