Professional Memberships
2023-Present Korean Bar Association Attorney Agent System Task Force, Member
2023-Present Seoul Bar Association International Committee, Committee Member
2023-Present Korea Patent Attorneys Association, Certified Lecturer in Intellectual Property
2023-Present Korean Intellectual Property Lawyers Association, Secretary General
2022-Present Sungkyunkwan University, School of Law, Department of Forensics, Adjunct Professor
2022-Present KAIST Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, Adjunct Professor
2021-2023 Korean Copyright Law Society, Auditor General
2021-Present Korean Bar Association International Committee, Committee Member
2020-Present Korean Intellectual Property Lawyers Association, Member
2020-Present Korea Entertainment Law Society (KELS), Director
2020-Present Korean Film Council, Advisory Counsel
2019-Present International Association of Korean Lawyers (IAKL), Director
Artificial Intelligence Law (South Korea) - Edition 2 (Lexology In-Depth, December 2024)
Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Trends and Developments (Chambers and Partners, May 28th, 2024)
Artificial Intelligence Law (South Korea) - Edition 1 (Lexology In-Depth, January 2024)
Taiwan authorities step up crackdown on illegal content distribution (Korea Copyright Protection Agency, November 27th, 2023)
[Special Report] Are NPEs that specialize in patent litigation really trolls? (New Technology of the Month, September 4th, 2023)
Past and Present of the Right of Publicity (Press Arbitration, 2023 Spring Vol. 166, March 30th, 2023)
Recent Copyright Infringement Cases, Trends and Implications of Italian Courts (Korea Copyright Protection Agency, November 30th, 2022)
Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) at City of London Police of UK and its partners have executed a series of raids across the country as part of a crackdown on the supply of illegal streaming services (Korea Copyright Protection Agency, April 28th, 2022)
Patent Litigation 2022 - Law and Practice in South Korea (Chambers and Partners, February 2022)
Patent Litigation 2021 - Law and Practice in South Korea (Chambers and Partners, February 2021)
The South Korean Court Secures the Entertainment Companies' Right against Unauthorized Use of their Artists' Photos" (IBA Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee, December 2019)
Lee & Ko Successfully Represents Big Hit Entertainment against Unauthorized Use of BTS’ Photos (Legal 500, August 2019)
The Study of Copyright Infringement Concerning Addition and Renovation to Architectural Works (Law & Technology, Vol.9-2, March 2013)
Research on Unfair Trade Investigation System of U.S. ITC (Lee & Ko, November 2011)
The Research on UCC Issues in Copyright Act and the Solutions (Law & Technology, Vol.4-2, March 2008)
The Research on UCC (User Created Contents) Issues in Copyright Act and the Solutions – Focusing on UCC Videos (Seoul National University School of Law, Master’s Degree Thesis, February 2008)
Is the Use of a Music Streaming Service an Infringement of the Right of Reproduction? (Creations & Rights, Issue 46, March 2007)
Work Highlights
Represented a global photovoltaic solar cells manufacturing company in global patent infringement cases on photovoltaic cells and products (US ITC / D. DEL / Düsseldorf Regional Court / Federal Court of Australia)
Represented a large domestic pharmaceutical company in global trade secret misappropriation case on botulinum toxin products and processes (US ITC)
Represented a global steel manufacturing company in global patent infringement and trade secrets misappropriation cases on GOES (grain-oriented electrical steel) (D. NJ)
Represented the world’s number one PI (polyimide) film manufacturing company in global patent infringement cases on PI film (C.D. CA / CAFC / U.S. Supreme Court / US ITC)
Represented the entertainment company for the world-famous K-pop group ‘BTS’ in trademark and copyright infringement and unfair competition case on unauthorized use of the BTS’ reputation and the power to attract customers
Represented a Korean water purifier company in patent infringement suit with largest damages in the past ten years