Javier, partner at Barros & Errázuriz, has extensive experience in Commercial and Economic Law, Securities and Financial Regulation, Compliance, Corporate Governance, Financial Litigation, Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and Foreign Investment.
He worked as a lawyer for the Securities Prosecutor’s Office of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, participating in the registration process of several issuers and public offering securities, authorization of mutual fund and investment fund administrators, and securitization of assets. He also participated in different investigation processes for infractions to the laws that regulate the securities market, and participated in the elaboration of diverse bills, regulations and administrative norms.
He participated as a delegate of the Government of Chile in the first three sessions of the Committee of Government Experts of UNIDROIT for the discussion of the Draft UNIDROIT Convention on Harmonized Standards on Rights in Transferable Securities Held in Custody of Financial Intermediaries, and was appointed as a member of the Drafting Committee.
“Security interests on securities held with an intermediary under the UNIDROIT Convention on intermediated Securities”, DeCITA, Volume 7-8, Brazil, 2007