Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Senior Statespeople
Provided by John W Katende
John's distinguished career in the academic field is rivalled by equal merit in the practice of law. He has been involved in a lot of groundbreaking and law-creating litigation that has significantly contributed to the evolution of jurisprudence and legal practice in Uganda.
He has over the years developed expertise in the areas of Corporate and Commercial Litigation, Mediation and Arbitration, Corporate and Commercial Law, Capital Markets, Banking & Finance, International Trade, Mergers & Acquisitions.
On the 31st March, 2017, John was recognized by the Uganda Law Society (ULS) and awarded the ULS’ first ‘Distinguished Service Award‘ by the Uganda Law Society.
He was also, one of the first 3 lawyers in the history of Uganda to be inducted into the ULS inaugural ‘Roll of Honour‘. This award is given to lawyers who have distinguished themselves in the profession, have a proven track record of being excellent attorneys with stellar reputations and have also made significant contribution to jurisprudence or contributed to the development of a particular area in law.
On the 28th March, 2018, John was awarded the Special Rank of Senior Counsel (the highest honor in the legal fraternity) by the Chief Justice of Uganda, Hon. Bart Katureebe.
Provided by Chambers