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Provided by José Antonio Choclán Montalvo
Main Areas of Practice:
■ Criminal Law
■ Corporate Defence and Compliance
■ International Procedural Law
■ Reports, Legal Opinions and Memorandums
■ Tax Law
Criminal Law: Among other matters, José Antonio offers highly specialized advice in the following:
- Money laundering and related conducts
- Tax, public aids and social security crimes
- Fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement and other property crimes
- Criminal bankruptcy
- Price-fixing in public tenders and auctions
- Criminal liability of consultants and auditors
- Crimes against workers’ rights
- Land planning and environmental crimes
- Intellectual and industrial property crimes
- Crimes related to the market and consumers
- Stock crimes and financial fraud
- Crimes of corruption in international commercial transactions
- Crimes of corruption in business
- Crimes of corruption in sport and bets
- Bribery of public officials
- Obstruction of justice crimes
- Crimes of defamation: libel and slander
- Disclosure of professional, commercial o business secrets
- Infiltration crimes
- Forgeries
Corporate Defence and Compliance: Among other services, José Antonio offers:
- Risk assessment and prevention
- Corporate defence in criminal procedures and investigations
- Analysis of financial transactions
- Design of criminal compliance programmes
- Prevention and detection of criminal acts
- Whistleblowing channels
- Internal investigations
- Corporate compliance structures
International Procedural Law:
José Antonio Choclán has extensive experience in extradition proceedings, European Arrest Warrants (EAWs) and in the transfer of criminal proceedings among jurisdictions, derived from the firm’s managing partner background as a Judge of the Criminal Chamber of the Spanish National High Court, specialized body in charge of addressing these types of international proceedings in Spain.
Reports, Legal Opinions and Memorandums:
The managing partner has significant professional experience in the preparation of reports and the issuance of legal opinions resulting from having held the position of Director of Studies and Reports of the General Council of the Judiciary.
Tax Law:
José Antonio Choclán has renowned prestige on the resolution of the most serious and complex tax law cases and investigations involving natural persons and all forms of corporations. José Antonio Choclán provides services in all instances of the case, from prevention and commencement of public investigations to criminal and administrative proceedings, assessing every detail in each case to provide the best possible solution for the client.
Among other tax law services, the firm offers the following:
- Tax compliance, risk assessment and prevention
- Management of public investigations against the client
- Administrative tax proceedings
- Criminal tax proceedings
- Deals and negotiations with the tax authorities
- Tax regularizations
A judge by competitive examination, over the years he has served in various judicial posts, always in the criminal courts, most recently as a judge in the Criminal Division of the National High Court, with extensive experience as an Instructing Judge and Court Magistrate.
In 2004 he went on leave of absence from the judiciary, founding the law firm that bears his name, and since then he has been practising law as an independent lawyer, He has been practising law since then, especially in the area of economic criminal law.
From July 2000 to July 2004 he worked as a lawyer for the General Council of the Judiciary. In this institution he has been the Director of the Continuing Education Service for Judges and Magistrates and the Director of the Studies and Reports Service.
In the academic field, he holds a Doctorate in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and has taught on several postgraduate courses.
During his time as Director of the Studies and Reports Service of the CGPJ, he was Secretary of the Revista del Poder Judicial (Journal of the Judiciary).
He is Member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Otrosí (Magazine of the Bar Association of the Madrid Bar Association).
He is also a member of the Editorial Board of La Ley Penal (WoltersKluwer Group).
He is a member of the Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid.
Ley general tributaria comentada 3ª edición. Documentación, legislativa y jurisprudencial.
Colex 2018 978-84-1713-523-2
La aplicación práctica del delito fiscal: cuestiones y soluciones.
Bosch 2016 978-84-9090-164-9
Ley orgánica del poder judicial 9ª edición.
Colex 2010 978-84-8342-246-5
Criterios de atribución de responsabilidad en el seno de la persona jurídica en el artículo 31 Bis del texto proyectado. El anteproyecto de modificación del Código Penal de 2008: algunos aspectos. (Colaboración Págs. 291-302).
Universidad de Deusto 2009 978-84-9830-230-1
Delito de estafa (2ª edición).
Bosch 2009 978-84-9790-531-2
Responsabilidad de los administradores por la actuación en nombre de la persona jurídica: dominio fáctico y posición de garante. (Colaboración Págs. 295-312).
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces 2008 978-84-8004-860-6
Ley orgánica del poder judicial 8ª edición.
Colex 2008 978-84-8342-131-4
Infracciones patrimoniales en los procesos de transferencia de datos. (Colaboración Págs. 69-97 - Capítulo 3).
Comares 2006 84-9836-094-3
Manual de derecho penal. Adaptado al programa de las pruebas selectivas para ingreso en las carreras judicial y fiscal.
Deusto Jurídico 2005 978-84-234-3515-6
Derecho procesal penal. Adaptado al programa de las pruebas selectivas para ingresos en las carreras judicial y fiscal.
Dykinson 2005 978-84-9772-790-7 (papel)
978-84-9090-165-6 (digital)
Ley orgánica del poder judicial 7ª edición.
Colex 2005 84-7879-966-4
Código penal comentado.
Deusto S.A. Editores 2005 978-84-2343-527-2
Las reformas procesales.
Consejo General del Poder Judicial 2005 978-84-8932-400-8
El principio de culpabilidad en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo español. (Colaboración Págs. 89-102).
Marcial Pons 2004 84-9768-100-2
Ley orgánica del poder judicial. Documentación legislativa y jurisprudencias. Comentarios.
Colex 2004 978-84-7879-860-5
Ley orgánica del poder judicial 1ª edición.
Colex 2004 978-84-7879-898-6
Código penal comentado. Concordado jurisprudencia y doctrina legislación penal especial y normas complementarias.
Deusto Jurídico 2004 978-84-234-2196-1
Ley general tributaria.
Colex 2004 978-84-7879-898-8
Responsabilidad de auditores de cuentas y asesores fiscales: tratamiento penal de la información societaria inveraz.
Bosch 2003 978-84-7676-982-2
La reforma del procedimiento abreviado y el nuevo enjuiciamiento rápido de determinados delitos y faltas: actualización de la obra Derecho procesal penal.
Dykinson 2003 978-84-9772-062-8
Ley orgánica del poder judicial, 5ª edición.
Colex 2003 978-84-7879-780-7
Derecho Penal: parte especial (actualizado a marzo de 2001). Vol. II. 2ª Ed.
Bosch 2002 978-84-7676-822-8
El delito estafa.
Bosch 2002 978-84-7676-713-9
Derecho Penal Vol. 2.
Bosch 2002 978-84-7676-553-1
Derecho procesal penal: adaptado al programa de las pruebas selectivas para ingreso en las carreras judicial y fiscal.
Dykinson 2002 978-84-8155-907-5
El delito culposo.
Corte Suprema de Justicia 2001
El patrimonio criminal: comiso y pérdida de la ganancia.
Dykinson 2001 978-84-8155-742-0
Derecho Penal. Parte general y especial.
Bosch 2001 978-84-7676-820-6
Ley orgánica del poder judicial 4ª edición.
Colex 2000 978-84-7879-573-1
La organización criminal: tratamiento penal y procesal.
Dykinson 2000 978-84-8155-610-0
La organización criminal: tratamiento penal y procesal.
Dykinson 2000 978-84-8155-610-6
El delito de estafa.
Bosch 2000 978-84-7676-713-7
Culpabilidad y pena. Su medición en el sistema penal salvadoreño.
Corte Suprema de Justicia 1999 99923-28-02-2
Derecho Penal. Parte especial.
Bosch 1999 978-84-7676-553-3
El delito de intrusismo.
Bosch 1998 978-84-7676-437-5
Deber de cuidado de delito imprudente.
Bosch 1997 978-84-7676-487-1
Individualización judicial de la pena: función de la culpabilidad y la prevención en la determinación de la sanción penal.
Colex 1997 978-84-7879-329-1
El delito continuado.
Marcial Pons 1997 978-84-7248-489-0
Tráfico inmobiliario y derecho penal: estudio dogmático y jurisprudencial del fraude y otros ilícitos penales en el sector inmobiliario.
Colegio General de Colegios de Administradores de Fincas, Madrid 1997 978-84-88315-03-1
José Antonio Choclán Montalvo is one of the most sought-after lawyers in the Spanish legal market in the defence of criminal proceedings. His special knowledge of the Courts gives him the necessary experience and ability to defend in the most complex forensic cases, in which he has achieved considerable prestige and recognition.
A career magistrate by competitive examination, over the years he has served in various judicial posts, always in the criminal courts, most recently as Magistrate of the Criminal Division of the National High Court, with extensive experience as an Examining Magistrate, Criminal Judge and Court Magistrate.
Provided by Chambers