Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1



1 Years Ranked


Provided by José Manuel Zapico Mackay

Latin America

Practice Areas

Maritime Law, Marine Insurance and Reinsurance, Litigation and Arbitration


He has specialized in commercial, shipping, and insurance law and litigation. He has extensive experience in complex marine casualties and international litigation. He has appeared as expert witness in London arbitration and is the author of several papers in Maritime law. He has represented national and foreign companies such as Shipping Companies, Salvors, Towage Companies, Charterers, Protection and Indemnity Clubs (P&I Clubs), Insurers and Reinsurers, Brokers, Ship Agents, Ports, Port Agents, Hull and Machinery Underwriters, Ship Suppliers, Banks, Foreign and Local Lawyers. He has dealt with legal issues that arise from major casualties, cargo damage, collisions, groundings, pollution, salvage, wreck removal, towage and other shipping matters such as charterparty disputes, cargo claims and international sale contracts.

Professional Memberships

Member of the International Bar Association

Titulary Member of the Comité Maritime International


Presumption of Liability and Period of Custody of the Maritime Carrier in the Chilean Legislation and Jurisprudence, article in the Journal of Maritime and Port Law of Uruguay, N°2, 2018, Editorial La Ley, Uruguay, 2018.

"Legal Regime and Responsibility of Pilots", article published in the Commercial and Maritime Law Yearbook N°5/2013-2014, Edeval, Valparaiso, 2016.

Critical Analysis of the Multimodal Transport Regulation in Chile, (“Análisis Crítico de la Regulación del Transporte Multimodal en Chile”), Article published in the Commercial and Maritime Law Yearbook N°4/2012, Edeval, Valparaiso, 2014.

The First Judgment on Marine Oil Pollution by the Chilean Supreme Court, Article published in the Maritime and Transport Law Newsletter of the International Bar Association (IBA), Volume 9, N°1, May 2013.

Commercial Code with Comments and Case law 2013, Comments on Book III of the Commercial Code, Legal Publishing Thomson Reuters, March 2013.

The legal concept of Ship Owner under Chilean law (“El Concepto Jurídico de Armador en la Legislación Chilena”), Article published in the Commercial and Maritime Law Yearbook N°1/2009, Edeval, Valparaiso, 2009.

The Effect of the Constitution of a Limitation Fund in Injunctions and Ship Arrest (“Los efectos de la constitución del Fondo de Limitación de responsabilidad en las Medidas Cautelares y en especial en el Arraigo de Naves”), Article published in "Compilation of papers and articles of the Maritime Law Seminar Retrospective, Analysis of the 30 Years of the Navigation Law and the 20 years of Book III of the Chilean Commercial Code", Editorial Librotecnia, Santiago, 2008.

Oil Pollution and Conflicts Arising from International Solutions and Domestic Law (“La contaminación marina y los conflictos derivados de soluciones internacionales y esquemas nacionales”), Paper presented in the XX Anniversary Conference of the Iberoamerican Institute of Maritime Law (IIDM) - XII Congress, 13 to 16 November 2007, Sevilla, Spain.

Jurisdiction Agreements. English Law and the Hamburg Rules, thesis to obtain the Master of Laws degree in University of Southampton, England, November 1994.

Maritime Liens and Ship Arrest ("De Los Privilegios Marítimos y el Arraigo de Naves"). Thesis to obtain the law degree in Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile, December 1992.

Languages Spoken

Spanish and English


Universidad Gabriela Mistral


1986 - 1990

University of Southampton


1993 - 1994

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José Manuel Zapico Mackay
José Manuel Zapico Mackay
Band 1