Practice Areas
Julia mainly acts in business criminal law, general criminal law and business litigation, as well as in press law and art market matters.
She has developed an in-depth mastery of international cases, in particular those in English-speaking countries.
Julia Minkowski holds two Master's degrees, one in Business Law and one in General Private Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She is also a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and completed an exchange programme with the University of Columbia in New York.
Julia was admitted to the Paris Bar in 2006 when she joined Hervé TEMIME, before becoming a partner of TEMIME.
She used to teach at Sciences-Po.
Professional Memberships
Julia Minkowski is the co-founder and President of the Club des Femmes Pénalistes. [Club of Women Lawyers specialised in criminal defence]
She is also a member of the Association Des Avocats Pénalistes [Association of Lawyers Specialised in Criminal Defence]
She was selected by the French-American Foundation as one of the twenty French and American people aged 30 to 40 years old called on to play a major role in cooperation between France and the United States : the Young Leaders.
L’avocat était une femme (JC Lattès, 2021)