Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Up and Coming

Dispute Resolution


7 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Leyre Suárez


Practice Areas

Leyre is the Director of the Dispute Resolution team, and specializes in complex litigation in administrative, commercial, labor and civil liability matters. and domestic and international arbitration.

In the field of arbitration, Leyre has advised numerous clients in domestic arbitration proceeding in the mining, oil, construction and entertainment sectors. In international arbitration, she has experience as local counsel in commercial and investment arbitration under ICC, UNCITRAL and ICSID rules.

Leyre is admitted to practice in Ecuador and the State of New York and has been recognized by major legal directories as a Dispute Resolution Associate to Watch.

Professional Memberships

Professor, Chair of Contracts, Introduction to obligations and Real Property, Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

Member, National Arbitration Moot Organizing Committee


Author, "To homologate or not to homologate?: That is the question" and "Is the Mortgage really an execution title?," Revista Industrial Legal, 2021 – 2022

Co-author, “La cuantía en la demanda arbitral, un limitante a los derechos de reparación,” Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, No. 9, 2017

Co-author, “The International Arbitration Review: Chapter Ecuador,” Law Business Research, Second Edition 2013, Third Edition, 2014 and Fourth Edition 2015

Co-author, “The Energy Regulation and Market Review: Chapter Ecuador,” Law Business Research LTD, Second Edition 2013 and Third Edition, 2014

Co-author, “Arbitraje en Disputas Ambientales: Análisis Comparado,” Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, No. 4, 2012

Co-author, “Know How, Ecuador,” Global Arbitration Review, 2013 and 2014

Co-author, “Arbitration Guide, Chapter Ecuador,” IBA Arbitration Committee., June 2013

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Dispute Resolution - Ecuador

Up and Coming
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Up-and-coming Leyre Suárez of Dentons Paz Horowitz has an active practice in the dispute resolution arena in Ecuador.


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Dispute Resolution

Leyre Suárez
Leyre Suárez
Up and Coming