Practice Areas
Partner specialising in mergers and acquisitions, in particular corporate restructurings and spin-offs of both listed and unlisted entities as well as joint ventures. She has notably undertaken restructurings of groups in the public sector and of groups with a specific legal status. She also advises founding shareholders in family-owned business groups.
Recent work includes advising: Sopra Steria and Sopra GMT on a global transaction consisting in the sale by Sopra Steria to Axway Software of most of Sopra Banking Software’s activities and the sale by Sopra Steria to Sopra GMT of a block of Axway Software shares; a majority co-shareholder of Sphere on the sale of its participation; SNCF on the reorganisation of Fret SNCF and Rail Logistics Europe; La Banque Postale (LBP) on the creation of a large listed financial group via its acquisition of Groupe BPCE’s stake in CNP Assurances, followed by a public offer and squeeze out of the remaining shares of CNP Assurances and the creation of a major bancassurance group, and its sale of 40% of AEW Europe and 45% of Ostrum Asset Management to Natixis Investment Managers (Group BPCE); Financière LOV on the regulatory aspects of the combination of its subsidiary FL Entertainment with Pegasus Entrepreneurial Acquisition Company Europe B.V; SNCF on important issues linked with State Aid matters, the two latest railway reforms and its recapitalisation via a EUR 4 billion share capital increase; the French State (Agence des Participations de l’État and Direction Générale du Trésor) on the reorganisation of Bpifrance (the French public investment bank); Paprec on the takeover of Dalkia Wastenergy; and Aéroports de Paris on the structuring of its share capital and the regulatory consequences of its privatisation.
Before joining BDGS Associés in 2013, Lucile Gaillard was an associate at Gide Loyrette Nouel where she started her career in 2005. She became partner at BDGS Associés in 2016.
Professional Memberships
Member of the Institut Français des Administrateurs (IFA), the French institute of company directors.
Paris Bar (2006), Postgraduate diploma in general private law from the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas (2003), Master’s degree in business and tax law (2002)