Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1

Competition/European Law


17 Years Ranked


Provided by Martin André Dittmer


Practice Areas

Martin André Dittmer is the managing partner at Gorrissen Federspiel and co-head of the firm's EU & Competition practice group and advises our clients on all competition law issues. Martin's practice has particular focus on merger control in M&A transactions, and he has been involved in some of the most complex Danish mergers dealt with by the Danish competition authorities over the past many years.

Martin also has extensive experience in merger notifications to the European Commission.

Martin also works with regulatory matters and advises on competition law issues, including for the shipping, energy and media industries.

Martin is very keen to share his experience by teaching competition law issues to our clients. Also, he is a frequent speaker at conferences in Denmark and abroad.

In addition, Martin is Secretary General of the European Maritime Law Organisation, a member of the ICC as a national expert, a member of the Association of Danish Law Firms and of the competition and procurement law committee of the Danish Bar and Law Society.


Managing Partner since 2018

Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel since 2007

Gorrissen Federspiel 2004 -

Head of Kromann Reumerts Brussels office 2001-2003

Kromann Reumert 1995-2003

Professional Memberships

The Danish Association of Competition Law

The Danish Association of European Law

The Danish Energy Law Association

The Danish Law Association

Association Européenne d' Etudes Juridiques et Fiscales (AEEJF)

Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA)


Author and co-author of books and numerous articles on competition law, public procurement, etc. in various Danish and international legal magazines, including:

"EU case law May 2019 - April 2020" (EU-praksis 2019- april 2020) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 2, p. 68-87, 2020

"EU case law 2017 - April 2018" (EU-praksis 2017- april 2018) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 2, p. 7-28, 2018

"EU case law 2018 - April 2019" (EU-praksis 2018- april 2019) in EU-Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 2, p. 3-18, 2019

"The EU Court of Justice ruled in favour of the defendant after 16 years" (EU-retten gav tiltalte medhold efter 16 år) in The Attorney (Advokaten) no. 9, p. 40-42, 2019

"EU case law 2016 to May 2017" (EU-praksis 2016 - maj 2017) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 2, p. 21-37, 2017

Co-author of the chapter "International Mergers" in International Mergers - The Antitrust Process (Rowley & Baker), 2016

Co-author of the chapter "Denmark" in European Competition Laws (Frank L. Fine, red., Matthew Bender & Co.), 2016

"EU case law 2015" (EU-praksis 2015 i konkurrenceretssager) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 2, p. 30-45, 2016

"The new law on tenders (Den nye udbudslov)" in Quarterly Analytics, 2016

"EU case law 2014" (EU-praksis 2014) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 1, p. 21-32, 2015

Co-author of the chapter "Denmark" in European Competition Laws (Frank L. Fine, red., Matthew Bender & Co.), 2013

Co-author of the chapter "Denmark" in European Competition Laws (Frank L. Fine, red., Matthew Bender & Co.), 2012

Review of Christian Bergqvist, Jesper Kaltoft, and Sune Troels Poulsen, "Merger Control in Denmark" (Fusionskontrol i Danmark) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU-ret & Menneskeret) no. 4, p. 159-165, 2012

"ECJ precedence and selected Commission decisions from 2010" (De Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstoles praksis og udvalgte Kommissionsafgørelser fra 2010) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU-ret & Menneskeret), p. 235, 2011

Co-author of article on "Tenderer's change of Sub-Supplier after award of Contract - in light of ECJ decision, C-91/08 Wall" (Ændring af tilbudsgivers brug af underleverandører efter kontrakttildeling - i lyset af EU-Domstolensen afgørelse i sag C-91/08 Wall) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret), p. 361, 2010

Co-author of article on "Franchising: Guidance or misrepresentation?" (Franchise: Vejledning eller vildledning?) in the Lawyer (Advokaten) no.1, p. 22-25, 2010

"The Future of Shipping Pools - Full-function Joint Ventures or Horizontal Cooperarion?" in Competition Law and Shipping, the EMLO Guide to EU Competition Law in the Shipping and Port Industries", 2009

"Maritime competition law - rough seas ahead?" in Bimco Bulletin volume 101, no. 6, 2006

Country reporter for the periodical European Public Private Partnership Law review ("EPPPL") 2006-

"The New Utilities Directive" in The New Procurement Directives, DJØF, 2005

Co-author of the publication "Cooperation between companies" (Samarbejde mellem virksomheder) published by Haandvaerksraadet (Håndværksrådet), 2005

Co-author of AIJA's publication on "Joint Ventures from Birth to Death", 2004

"Increased equal treatment in public procurement law" (Øget ligebehandling i udbudsretten- men til hvilken pris?) in Danske Kommuner, 2002

Editor of column in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten every second week on "brief news from the EU - focus on the Commission and the ECJs practice" (kort nyt fra EU - fokus på Kommissionens og EF-Domstolens praksis) from 2001-2003

Co-rapporteur in International Trade Law & Regulation, 1997

"Legal monopolies and EU-competition law" (Lovbestemte monopoler og EU-konkurrencereglerne) in EU- Law and Human Rights Law (EU- & Menneskeret) no. 5, 1995

"Family unification in the EU" (Familiesammenføring i EU-retten) in Justitia no. 2, 1993.

Languages Spoken

Danish, English, French

Chambers Review

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Competition/European Law - Denmark

Band 1
Individual Editorial
Martin André Dittmer is one of the leading lawyers in Denmark for advice on the competition law aspects of proposed transactions, frequently acting on merger control filings. He also represents clients in investigations by the DCCA.


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