Practice Areas
Mathieu Piché-Messier is a partner and National Business Leader of the Commercial Litigation Group at BLG. Operating his thriving practice out of the firm’s Montreal office, Mathieu has built a reputation and is widely recognized for litigating some of the most challenging cases for clients from international corporations to well-known politicians and celebrities.
For more than 20 years, Mathieu has used his legal expertise, business savvy and management skills to build and run a successful practice while playing a leadership role to the hundreds of commercial litigation lawyers at the firm.
He is an essential member of BLG’s litigation team, playing a significant role in the firm’s representation of several key clients in high-profile cases, a testament to his skills as a lawyer, team member and client representative.
Mathieu is a skilled litigator with significant experience in both civil and commercial litigation, particularly in the areas of: extraordinary remedies (injunction and freezing orders);commercial fraud; high technology; industrial espionage; identity theft; competition law; defamation law;
entertainment law; intellectual property rights; aviation law; and international arbitration.
He has acted for plaintiffs in preparing and enforcing seizures before judgment, injunctions and Anton Piller, Mareva and Norwich injunctions and orders. He has also acted as an independent supervisor solicitor for several Canadian law firms.
Mathieu is trusted with high stakes litigation matters that require a significant amount of skill and knowledge. He deftly handles the challenges and is able to predict and solve potential issues before they become problems.
Professional Memberships
Mathieu was a member of the parliamentary committees of the National Assembly responsible for reform of the Québec Code of Civil Procedure. He was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) in 2018. He was also inducted as a Fellow of the Litigation Counsels of America (LCA) in 2021. Other professional memberships include:
Member, American Bar Association
Member, International Bar Association
Fellow, American Bar Foundation
Member, The Advocates' Society
Member, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Montréal Division
Coauteur, « Développements récents : les ordonnances d'injonction de type Anton Piller, Mareva et Norwich en matière de fraude commerciale », Revue de Droit, Université de Sherbrooke, vol. 44, no 1, 2014, pp.127-171.
Coauteur d'un livre de doctrine (325 pages) intitulé L'injonction et les ordonnances Anton Piller, Mareva et Norwich, Ferron, Danielle, Mathieu Piché-Messier et Lawrence A. Poitras, LexisNexis, 2009, 325 pages.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu et Amélie T. Gouin. « Les ordonnances d'injonction de type Anton Piller, Mareva et Norwich », Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle, 2014, Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, p. 229.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu et Anne Merminod. « Questions de droit international privé relatives aux personnes morales et aux sociétés », Droit international privé, dir. P.C. Lafond, collection de droit civil, LexisNexis, Montréal, 2012, p. 13/1.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu et Marie-Aude Pigeon. « Recours extraordinaires en matière de propriété intellectuelle : les ordonnances d’injonction de type Anton Piller, Mareva et Norwich », Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle, 2009, Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, p.465.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu et Danielle Ferron. « L'Ordonnance Anton Piller application de cette "arme nucléaire" en matière de non-concurrence », Service de la formation continue du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents sur la non-concurrence, 2008, Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, p.37.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu. « Manutention des informations et documents électroniques dans le cadre de saisies avant jugement et injonctions de type "Anton Piller" », Droit et technologies de l'information, Legal IT, 21 avril 2008, p.121.
Piché-Messier, Mathieu. « L'Ordonnance "Anton Piller" en droit de la propriété intellectuelle – Application particulière au droit du divertissement », Service de la formation continue du Barreau du Québec, Développements récents en droit du divertissement, 2006, Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, p.123.
Mathieu is committed to community in which he lives and works. He is passionate about the arts and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cirque Éloize a driving force in the circus art reinvention movement since 1993. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal a contemporary dance repertory company, which, under the artistic direction of Alexandra Damiani, creates, produces, and presents on local, national, and international stages.
In addition to his role of National Business Leader of the Commercial Litigation Group at BLG, Mathieu is also a Member of the BLG Pro Bono Committee. At BLG, the formal pro bono policy encourages our lawyers to engage in pro bono work and to incorporate it into their professional development. The Regional Pro Bono Committees ensures the highest level of quality control and professional excellence.