Practice Areas
Energy law, planning and construction law, education law, labour law (public and private), administrative organisation law and administrative procedure law, foundation law, administrative law
-Academic Counsel, University of St. Gallen, Institut for Law and Legal Practice
-Lecturer for public law at the University of St. Gallen (2005-2013)
-Judge at Administrative Court Canton Aargau (1993-2020)
-Lecturer for administrative law at the University of Basel
-Author and Editor of the commentary on energy law in Switzerland
-Lecturer for public labour law at FHNW (2002-2010)
-Judge at the Federal Appeals Board DDPS (1999-2006)
-Judge at the Federal Appeas Board (1999-2006)
-Doctorate University of Zurich (1998) on the topic of: Remedies, complaints and judicial review of constitutionality according to the law on the system of administrative procedures of the Canton Aargau (Commentary on §§ 38 – 72 VRPG)
-Attorney at law since 1995
-Law Clerk at High Court and Administrative Court Canton Aargau (1990-1993)
-Law Clerk at District Court Baden (1988-1990)